我已经使用了一些音频程序,例如SDL混音器,大胆等,但是我想看看这些小音频玩具里面有什么.音频数据如何处理等.我还看到了C ++中的MP3播放器的一些示例代码,该示例代码将void*
I have used several audio programs such as SDL mixer, audacity, etc. but I want to see what's inside these little audio toys. How does audio data get processed and such. I've also seen some sample codes of an MP3 player in C++ that it uses void*
for audio data.
但是,所有这些都无法帮助我大致了解计算机中音频的工作方式.因此,有人可以向我解释(或向我介绍一些书)关于计算机如何存储和处理数字音频数据吗? (例如,如果将三角波形存储到.wav文件中,该波形如何存储为位模式?)
But all these do not help me understand in general about how audio work in computer. So could somebody explain to me (or introduce me some books) on how do computers store and process digital audio data? (for instance, if you store a triangle waveform into a .wav file, how does this waveform get stored as bit pattern?)
There is a more detailed explanation of how audio is represented in the Audacity manual:
...the height of each vertical line is represented as a signed number.
- Audacity Wiki包含有关 Audacity中的算法如何工作的一些信息 .如果您想进一步了解Audacity中的特定音频效果(尚未涵盖),可以在此处提出问题.
- 如果您正在查看源代码,请 回声效果 是一个很好的起点.
- 有关数字音频的更多信息,请单击Wikipedia按钮以获取您感兴趣的链接,该链接位于 此页面 .该页面底部的内容对于深入研究现有的不同 音频文件格式 尤其有用.
- The Audacity wiki has some information about how algorithms in Audacity work. If there is a specific audio effect in Audacity that you want to know more about, that isn't already covered, you can leave a question there.
- If you are looking at source code, the echo effect is a good place to start.
- For much much more about digital audio, click the Wikipedia buttons for links that interest you on this page. The ones at the foot of that page are particularly useful for digging deeper into the different audio file formats that are out there.
You may notice that all these links come from the Audacity project. That's not a coincidence.