我刚刚开始在通用应用程序中进行开发.我已经在Windows 8商店应用程序中开发了应用程序,还在开发Windows Phone 8和Windows Phone 8.1(SilverLight)应用程序.问题与Windows中的通用应用程序和在App中创建的单个UI有关.共享文件夹.
I have just started to develop in universal app. I have developed app in Windows 8 store apps and also developing Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 (SilverLight) Apps. Question is related to universal app in Windows and Single UI which is created in App. Share folder.
1. I have a transparent Image as Icon but still it display white background check below images
I-> Package.appxmanifest
I - > Package.appxmanifest
II - > Display in start menu .
Windows Store应用中不能有透明磁贴.
You can't have transparent tiles in Windows Store apps.
这篇关于Windows中的通用应用程序:在Windows RT应用程序中未显示透明磁贴的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!