

我尝试实现我的第一个基于猫鼬的REST API.

I try to implement my first mongoose based REST API.


I tried now for days but cannot get this up and running. I would like to save the survey with an array of controls and for each control an array of controlProperties.


In different scenarios I got it to save survey with controls array but without controlProperties and sometime with not even controls array.


Can someone please help me understand my error?



调查 -控制数组 -controlProperty数组

Survey -- Array of control -- Array of controlProperty




const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Control = require('./control');

const surveySchema = mongoose.Schema({
    _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        min: 4,
        max: 255
    description: {
        type: String,
        required: false,
        max: 1000
   closeDate: {
       type: Date,
       required: false
   controls: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Control' }]

module.exports = mongoose.model('Survey', surveySchema);



const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Survey = require('./survey');

const controlSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    survey: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Survey'},
    controlType: {
        type: String,
        required: true
    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true
    isInput: {
        type: Boolean,
        required: true

    order: {
        type: Number,
        required: true
    controlProperties: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'ControlProperty' }]

module.exports = mongoose.model('Control', controlSchema);



const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Control = require('./control');

mongoose.Schema.Types.String.checkRequired(v => v != null);

const controlPropertySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    control: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Control' },
    propertyName: {
        type: String,
        required: true
    propertyValue: {
        type: String,
        required: true
    order: {
        type: Number,
        required: true


module.exports = mongoose.model('ControlProperty', controlPropertySchema);


My node.js code to receive the post data is this one:



router.post("/", (req, res, next) => {

        Survey.find({ _id: req.body._id })
            .then(result => {
                if (result.length >= 1) {
                    return res.status(409).json({
                        message: "Survey exists"
                } else {

                    const survey = new Survey({
                        _id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
                        name: req.body.name,
                        description: req.body.description,
                        closeDate: req.body.closeDate,
                        order: req.body.order

                    let controlData = req.body.controls;
                    let arControls = [];

                    if(controlData != null) {

                        for (var i = 0, clen = controlData.length; i < clen; i++) {
                            let c = controlData[i];
                            let control = new Control({
                                _id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
                                controlType: c.controlType,
                                name: c.name,
                                isInput: c.isInput,
                                order: c.order

                            let controlPropertyData = c.controlProperties;
                            let arControlProperty = [];

                            if(controlPropertyData != null) {

                                for (var j = 0, cplen = controlPropertyData.length; j < cplen; j++) {
                                    let cp = controlPropertyData[j];
                                    let controlProperty = new ControlProperty({
                                        _id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
                                        propertyName: cp.propertyName,
                                        propertyValue: cp.propertyValue,
                                        order: cp.order


                                ControlProperty.insertMany(arControlProperty, forceServerObjectId=true,function (err,data) {
                                        return console.log(err);
                                    console.log(" " + j + " controlProperties for control " + i +  " saved");

                                    control.controlProperties = data;



                        Control.insertMany(arControls, forceServerObjectId=true,function (err,data) {
                                return console.log(err);
                            survey.controls = data;

                            console.log("controls saved");

                        .then(result => {
                            console.log("survey saved");
                        .catch(err => {
                                error: err



    "name": "TestSurvey",
    "description": "This is a test survey",
    "controls":  [
            "controlType": "Label",
            "name": "Label1",
            "isInput": false,
            "order": 1,
            "controlProperties": [
                    "propertyName": "FontSize",
                    "propertyValue": "Large",
                    "order": 1
                    "propertyName": "BackgroundColor",
                    "propertyValue": "Darkgreen",
                    "order": 2
                    "propertyName": "FontAttributes",
                    "propertyValue": "Bold",
                    "order": 3
                    "propertyName": "HorizontalOptions",
                    "propertyValue": "Fill",
                    "order": 4
                    "propertyName": "HorizontalTextAlignment",
                    "propertyValue": "Center",
                    "order": 5
                    "propertyName": "TextColor",
                    "propertyValue": "White",
                    "order": 6
                    "propertyName": "Text",
                    "propertyValue": "Paris Work-Life Balance",
                    "order": 7
            "controlType": "Label",
            "name": "Label2",
            "isInput": false,
            "order": 2,
            "controlProperties": [
                    "propertyName": "FontSize",
                    "propertyValue": "Medium",
                    "order": 1
                    "propertyName": "Margin",
                    "propertyValue": "20,0,20,0",
                    "order": 2
                    "propertyName": "FontAttributes",
                    "propertyValue": "Bold",
                    "order": 3
                    "propertyName": "HorizontalOptions",
                    "propertyValue": "StartAndExpand",
                    "order": 4
                    "propertyName": "HorizontalTextAlignment",
                    "propertyValue": "Center",
                    "order": 5
                    "propertyName": "Text",
                    "propertyValue": "Dear [[FirstName]], \nwas your workload on the case 12345 - 67(Company) compliant to the BCG Work Life Balance Ground Rules over the past week ?",
                    "order": 6
            "controlType": "PWLBControl",
            "name": "PWLB1",
            "isInput": true,
            "order": 3,
            "controlProperties": [
                        "propertyName": "Margin",
                        "propertyValue": "20,0,20,0",
                        "order": 1
            "controlType": "Button",
            "name": "button1",
            "isInput": false,
            "order": 4,
            "controlProperties": [
                    "propertyName": "Text",
                    "propertyValue": "Submit",
                    "order": 1
                    "propertyName": "HorizontalOptions",
                    "propertyValue": "StartAndExpand",
                    "order": 2
                    "propertyName": "IsSubmitButton",
                    "propertyValue": true,
                    "order": 3
            "controlType": "Image",
            "name": "image1",
            "isInput": false,
            "order": 5,
            "controlProperties": [
                    "propertyName": "Source",
                    "propertyValue": "",
                    "order": 1
                    "propertyName": "VerticalOptions",
                    "propertyValue": "End",
                    "order": 2



There is no need to keep seperate collections for controlProperties and controls.You can embed controlPropertySchema inside controlSchema, and embed controlSchema inside surveySchema.So at the end we will have only one collection for survey.


This will make possible to create a survey in one insert operation. And also you will be able to get all survey info in one read operation.


  1. 最好不要将_id字段添加到架构中,mongodb会处理.
  2. 如果使用给定的_id进行调查,我认为您会使用它.更好地使用name字段检查调查是否已存在.
  3. minmax选项用于数字类型,用于字符串类型使用minlengthmaxlength. 文档
  1. It is better to not add _id fields to the schemas, mongodb willhandle it.
  2. I see you use it if a survey exists with the given _id. Better touse name field to check if a survey already exists.
  3. min and max options are used for Number type, for String typeminlength and maxlength are used. Docs


So the surveySchema must look like this:

const mongoose = require("mongoose");

const controlPropertySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  // _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
  // control: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Control" },
  propertyName: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  propertyValue: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  order: {
    type: Number,
    required: true

const controlSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  //_id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
  //  survey: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Survey'},
  controlType: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  name: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  isInput: {
    type: Boolean,
    required: true
  order: {
    type: Number,
    required: true
  controlProperties: [controlPropertySchema]
  //controlProperties: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "ControlProperty" }]

const surveySchema = mongoose.Schema({
  // _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
  name: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    minlength: 4,
    maxlength: 255
  description: {
    type: String,
    required: false,
    maxlength: 1000
  closeDate: {
    type: Date,
    required: false
  controls: [controlSchema]
  // controls: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Control" }]

module.exports = mongoose.model("Survey", surveySchema);


Now we can create a survey with this post route:(Please note that we don't make any conversions, since our request body's structure is the same as surveySchema)

router.post("/surveys", async (req, res) => {
  try {
    let survey = await Survey.findOne({ name: req.body.name });

    if (survey) {
      return res.status(400).send("A survey already exists with that name");

    const result = await Survey.create(req.body);
  } catch (err) {

    if (err.name === "ValidationError") {
      return res.status(400).send(err.errors);
    res.status(500).send("Something went wrong");

在您的请求正文中,有一个空的propertyValue,所以我将其更改为"propertyValue": "I was empty",还有一个布尔值而不是字符串,所以我将其更改为"propertyValue": "I was true"

In your request body, there was an empty propertyValue so I changed it to "propertyValue": "I was empty",and also a boolean value instead of string, so I changed it to "propertyValue": "I was true"


You can use this corrected request body:

    "name": "TestSurvey",
    "description": "This is a test survey",
    "controls": [
            "controlType": "Label",
            "name": "Label1",
            "isInput": false,
            "order": 1,
            "controlProperties": [
                    "propertyName": "FontSize",
                    "propertyValue": "Large",
                    "order": 1
                    "propertyName": "BackgroundColor",
                    "propertyValue": "Darkgreen",
                    "order": 2
                    "propertyName": "FontAttributes",
                    "propertyValue": "Bold",
                    "order": 3
                    "propertyName": "HorizontalOptions",
                    "propertyValue": "Fill",
                    "order": 4
                    "propertyName": "HorizontalTextAlignment",
                    "propertyValue": "Center",
                    "order": 5
                    "propertyName": "TextColor",
                    "propertyValue": "White",
                    "order": 6
                    "propertyName": "Text",
                    "propertyValue": "Paris Work-Life Balance",
                    "order": 7
            "controlType": "Label",
            "name": "Label2",
            "isInput": false,
            "order": 2,
            "controlProperties": [
                    "propertyName": "FontSize",
                    "propertyValue": "Medium",
                    "order": 1
                    "propertyName": "Margin",
                    "propertyValue": "20,0,20,0",
                    "order": 2
                    "propertyName": "FontAttributes",
                    "propertyValue": "Bold",
                    "order": 3
                    "propertyName": "HorizontalOptions",
                    "propertyValue": "StartAndExpand",
                    "order": 4
                    "propertyName": "HorizontalTextAlignment",
                    "propertyValue": "Center",
                    "order": 5
                    "propertyName": "Text",
                    "propertyValue": "Dear [[FirstName]], \nwas your workload on the case 12345 - 67(Company) compliant to the BCG Work Life Balance Ground Rules over the past week ?",
                    "order": 6
            "controlType": "PWLBControl",
            "name": "PWLB1",
            "isInput": true,
            "order": 3,
            "controlProperties": [
                    "propertyName": "Margin",
                    "propertyValue": "20,0,20,0",
                    "order": 1
            "controlType": "Button",
            "name": "button1",
            "isInput": false,
            "order": 4,
            "controlProperties": [
                    "propertyName": "Text",
                    "propertyValue": "Submit",
                    "order": 1
                    "propertyName": "HorizontalOptions",
                    "propertyValue": "StartAndExpand",
                    "order": 2
                    "propertyName": "IsSubmitButton",
                    "propertyValue": "I was true",
                    "order": 3
            "controlType": "Image",
            "name": "image1",
            "isInput": false,
            "order": 5,
            "controlProperties": [
                    "propertyName": "Source",
                    "propertyValue": "I was empty",
                    "order": 1
                    "propertyName": "VerticalOptions",
                    "propertyValue": "End",
                    "order": 2


08-26 04:12