当我向现有的resx文件添加或更改字符串时,相应的designer.cs文件变为空(0 KB),并且项目不再编译:
When I add or change a string to an existing resx file the corresponding designer.cs file becomes empty (0 KB) and the project no longer compiles:
From the .csproj file:
<Compile Include="Properties\Hundegger.Gui.Designer.cs">
<EmbeddedResource Include="Properties\Hundegger.Gui.resx">
Any ideas what could be wrong???The resx file is rather simple. Currently just contains 10 strings.
有时候,我们将项目转换为目标.net Framework 4.5.2(以前使用的是4.0).
Sometime ago we converted the project to target .net framework 4.5.2 (previously was using 4.0).
Another project in the same solution (which was also converted to 4.5.2) does not have this problem. As soon as a string in a resx file is modified/added the designer file is regenerated and is not empty. I notice no difference in the .csproj files concerning the resx files.
我正在使用Visual Studio 2013.
Am using Visual Studio 2013.
我遇到了另一个问题,这给了我一个主意. Visual Studio 2010不会如果文件已本地化,则生成资源(Resx)设计器代码
I ran into this other question and that gave me an idea.Visual Studio 2010 doesn't generate Resource (Resx) designer code if file is localized
It seems that certain extensions in the resx file name cause VS to NOT generate the corresponding designer.cs file.
The previous question mentions localization extensions: fr, en, de, etc...
However: Gui has the same effect.
If I rename the resx file to Hundegger.Gui2.resx then everything works just fine.
我可以通过在VS 2013中创建一个空项目来验证这一点.如果resx文件名以.gui或.job结尾,则不会生成设计器文件.
I could verify this by creating an empty project in VS 2013. If the resx file name ends with .gui or .job then the designer file is not generated.
This must have changed not too long ago, otherwise the existing designer files would have not been generated.
So I guess that in order to avoid such problems, avoid using '.' in the the resx file name.
So I guess for our purpose we will have to rename the resx files.
我可以在VS 2015中重现相同的行为.但是,如果删除resx文件中的点,则一切正常.因此,请从Hundegger.Gui.resx
I can reproduce the same behavior in VS 2015. But if you remove the dot in the resx file everything it working fine. So please change from Hundegger.Gui.resx
to HundeggerGui.resx
这篇关于Designer resx文件保持为空的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!