我正在尝试使用 javafx 将元素放在列表视图和树视图上,但两个控件都不会刷新它们的内容.我使用 obvservable 列表来控制项目,每次我删除一个项目时,列表视图或树视图都会将它从数据源中删除.但视图没有更新.我仍然看到所有的项目.唯一的区别是,被移除的项目不能再被选中.例如链接 2 显示折叠的项目列表.图 1 显示了折叠之前的项目.项目已折叠,但旧条目仍然可见.有没有人知道这个问题的解决方案.谢谢大家帮我
i am trying to put elements on a listview and treeview with javafx, but both controls wont refresh theyre content. i am using an obvservable list to control the items and every time i delete one item, the listview or treeview removes it from the datasource. but the view is not updating. i am still seeing all the items. the only difference is, the removed item can not be selected any more. for example link 2 shows the collaped item list. image 1 shows the items before they are collaped. the items are collapsed but the old entry is still visible. does anybody know a solution for this problem. thank you all for helping me
链接 1:treeview 未折叠链接 2:treeview 已折叠但未更新旧视图
this is the custom cell factory i use to display a listview:
public ListCell<T> call(final ListView<T> param) {
ListCell<T> cell = new ListCell<T>(){
protected void updateItem(final T persistentObject, final boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(persistentObject, empty);
if(persistentObject instanceof POProcessStep){
POProcessStep poProcessStep = (POProcessStep) persistentObject;
if (persistentObject != null) {
super.setText(poProcessStep.getId() + " - " + poProcessStep.getTitle());
}else if(persistentObject instanceof POProcess){
POProcess poProcess = (POProcess) persistentObject;
if (persistentObject != null) {
super.setText(poProcess.getId() + " - " + poProcess.getTitle());
}else if(persistentObject instanceof POCategory){
POCategory poCategory = (POCategory) persistentObject;
if(persistentObject != null){
super.setText(poCategory.getId() + " - " + poCategory.getTitle());
}else if(persistentObject instanceof String){
if(persistentObject != null){
return cell;
你的cell factory的updateItem(...)
需要处理cell为空的情况.当一个项目被移除(或者因为 TreeView
Your cell factory's updateItem(...)
needs to handle the case where the cell is empty. This will be exactly the scenario when an item is removed (or becomes empty because a node in the TreeView
was collapsed) and the cell that previously showed an item is reused as an empty cell:
public ListCell<T> call(final ListView<T> param) {
ListCell<T> cell = new ListCell<T>(){
protected void updateItem(final T persistentObject, final boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(persistentObject, empty);
if (empty) {
} else {
// ... rest of your code.
return cell ;
这篇关于javafx 列表视图和树视图控件未正确重绘的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!