

我一直poting为此我使用cocos2d的点¯x创建的iOS Android设备游戏。
我对iPad2的让周围45 pretty不错的FPS。

I have been poting a game for Android devices which i created on iOS using cocos2d x.I'm getting pretty nice fps around 45 on iPad2.When it comes to Android device fps varies as mentioned below:

  1. 设备 - 三星注 GPU - 的Mali-400MP的 FPS - 55-60

  2. 设备 - 摩托以身试法+ GPU - 的PowerVR SGX530的 FPS - 35-40

  3. 设备 - 三星谷歌Nexus S的 GPU - 的PowerVR SGX540的 FPS - 50-55

  4. 设备 - 摩托XOOM的 GPU - 的GeForce ULP的 FPS - 15-20

  5. 设备 - 三星Galaxy 10.1的 GPU - 的GeForce ULP的 FPS - 15-20

  1. Device - Samsung note GPU - Mali-400MP FPS - 55-60
  2. Device - Moto defy+ GPU - PowerVR SGX530 FPS - 35-40
  3. Device - Samsung Google Nexus S GPU - PowerVR SGX540 FPS - 50-55
  4. Device - Moto xoom GPU - ULP GeForce FPS - 15-20
  5. Device - Samsung galaxy 10.1 GPU - ULP GeForce FPS - 15-20

或某人可与MOTO-XOOM和三星Galaxy 10.1装置(40-45 ATLEAST)获得良好的FPS帮助。

I am using PVR (RGBA4444) art resources. Is FPS drop issue related to the GPU used by the device.Or Somebody can help with getting good fps on moto-xoom and samsung galaxy 10.1 device(atleast 40-45).


是的,GPU为这些设备有很大的不同。他们有不同的优化策略和技巧。对于Nvidia Tegra2的设备从这里并尝试一些不错的性能量度工具,如oprofile中,多名PerfHUD,Tegra的廓。他们可以帮助你确定是瓶颈您的应用程序。

Yes, the GPU for these devices are very different. They have different strategies and tricks for optimization. For Nvidia Tegra2 devices download "Tegra Android Toolkit 1.0r4" from here http://developer.nvidia.com/tegra-resources and try some of nice performance measurment tools like oprofile, perfhud, tegra-profiler. They can help you determine where is bottleneck in your app.

另请参阅文档开发有预兆优化的OpenGL ES 2.0 code。

Read also OpenGL ES 2.0 Development for the Tegra Platform document for hints about optimizing your OpenGL ES 2.0 code.


07-18 20:49