我有一个使用画布绘制快速显示的FFT.我想对代码进行优化,以使其以60 fps或接近60 fps的速度同时显示16个浏览器窗口.现在在我的机器上,它以5 fps的速度运行,同时显示16个窗口.
I have an FFT using canvas that plots a high speed display. I want to optimize the code to have 16 browser windows showing at the same time at 60 fps or close to it. Right now on my machine it runs at 5 fps with 16 windows showing simultaneously.
I was wondering if there was a better way to optimize my code for drawing performance.
有了这个,我最多可以同时打开四个浏览器窗口,获得60 fps,但是此后fps明显下降.现在,我将所有文件加载到数组缓冲区中,并操作点并在drawFFT()中同时绘制它们.关于在同时运行的多个浏览器窗口上提高fps性能的任何技巧?
With this I am getting 60 fps for up to four simultaneous browser windows but fps drops significantly after that. Right now I am loading all the files into an array buffer and manipulating the points and drawing them at the same time in drawFFT(). Any tips on improving fps performance on multiple browser windows running at the same time?
在多个窗口上显示60 fps动画
60 fps animation on multiple windows
99.99% of the time, requestAnimationFrame
is the way to do visual animations. It's a great tool, synced with the screen refresh rate, with great timing precision, and battery friendly.
This last advantage is your problem : To save power, browsers do allow the screen synchronization only for the currently focused window at 60fps. All other windows are delayed, on a lower frame-rate.
Since you want to have multiple windows, you'll be able to get only one focused, and thus only one refreshing at 60fps, all others will be slowed down to about 5fps.
所谓低级",是指该时钟系统不与主要的js-thread *绑定.在某些实现(镶边)上,所有WebAudioAPI甚至都在并行线程上运行.对于我们的案例更重要的是,该时钟系统不仅与聚焦窗口相关联.这确实意味着我们可以在后台窗口中以60fps的速度运行代码.
The WebAudioAPI does have its own low-level and high-precision clock system.
By "low-level", I mean that this clock system is not tied to the main js-thread*. On some implementations (chrome) all the WebAudioAPI even runs on a parallel thread. And more importantly to our case, this clock system is not only tied to focused window. This does mean that we can run code, in a background window, at 60fps.
Here is a simple implementation of an timing loop based on the WebAudioAPI clock.
(* ).
An alternative timing loop, based on AudioContext's clock
@arg callback : a callback function
with the audioContext's currentTime passed as unique argument
@arg frequency : float in ms;
@returns : a stop function
function audioTimerLoop(callback, frequency) {
var freq = frequency / 1000; // AudioContext time parameters are in seconds
var aCtx = new AudioContext();
// Chrome needs our oscillator node to be attached to the destination
// So we create a silent Gain Node
var silence = aCtx.createGain();
silence.gain.value = 0;
var stopped = false; // A flag to know when we'll stop the loop
function onOSCend() {
var osc = aCtx.createOscillator();
osc.onended = onOSCend; // so we can loop
osc.start(0); // start it now
osc.stop(aCtx.currentTime + freq); // stop it next frame
callback(aCtx.currentTime); // one frame is done
if (stopped) { // user broke the loop
osc.onended = function() {
aCtx.close(); // clear the audioContext
// return a function to stop our loop
return function() {
stopped = true;
var stop_anim = audioTimerLoop(yourCallback, 60); // runs 'yourCallback' every 60ms
All right, Now we are able to run smooth animation even on blurred windows.
不幸的是,创建AudioContext时,浏览器受硬件限制的约束. (例如,在我的计算机上,我不能同时运行6个以上的上下文.)
Unfortunately, browsers are tied to hardware limitations when creating AudioContext. (e.g. on my computer, I can not have more than 6 contexts running at the same time.)
- 打开所有其他窗口,以便您可以访问其内容,
- 获取画布元素的上下文,
- 借鉴这些背景
This way, you've got a single update thread, on the main window, and all other windows only have to render.
(Be sure to allow popups and to disable your ad-blocker though).