

这里是一个教程,指示如何将jQuery表单验证与reCAPTCHA结合使用. http://snipplr.com/view/15563/jquery-validating -recaptcha-with-ajax/

Here is a tutorial that indicates how to combine jQuery Form Validation with reCAPTCHA.http://snipplr.com/view/15563/jquery-validating-recaptcha-with-ajax/


Based on my understanding, the above tutorial in fact does a client side validation through aJax that communicates with the server reCAPTCHA script.


After the validation is successful, I use the following code borrowed from the comments:

submitHandler: function(form) {
 if(validateCaptcha()){ // Submit form
offerForm.ajaxSubmit(); } } });


to submit the form and please see line 21 of the original code:

$("form").attr("action", "http://action/to/the/form_handler.php");


My question is whether or not I MUST call recaptcha_check_answer inside form_handler.php with passed in parameters

challengeField = $("input#recaptcha_challenge_field").val();
responseField = $("input#recaptcha_response_field").val();


If not, then a person can easily avoid the reCAPTCHA by changing the validation procedure.It seems that the same idea that we always have to both client+server validation.


Please correct my idea if I misunderstand.


// Give detail information for the issue I have ///

    <form id="regFormBody" method="post" action="verify.php">

          debug: true,
          errorPlacement: function (error, element) {

          rules: {
            loginemail: { required: true, email: true, rangelength: [4, 32] },
            password: { required: true, rangelength: [8, 30], passwordPattern: true },
            confirmpassword: { required: true, rangelength: [8, 30], equalTo: "#password" }


Here is the problem I have:If the form passes the client side validation, then it doesn't NOT trigger the verify.php at all and stops after the validation.thank you


是的,这对我来说是正确的.是的,您肯定需要验证服务器上的验证码.我根本不喜欢验证验证码客户端的想法,并且我不认为您不想将reCaptchi API密钥发布到用户可以掌握其中任何一个的脚本中.我也希望相同验证码值的第二次验证(客户端校验之后的服务器端检查)仍然会被recaptcha的服务器拒绝(通过对原始博客的评论对此进行确认)

Yes, that sounds correct to me. Yes, you definitely need to validate the captcha on the server. I don't like the idea of validating the captcha client-side at all and I don't think you want to be posting your reCaptchi API keys in a script that user can get hold of either. Also I'd expect the second validation of the same captcha values (your server-side check after the client-side checke) would get rejected by recaptcha's servers anyway (confirmation of this from a comment on the original blog).


So I think you need to post the captcha to your AJAX action handler and it should do the validation as well as your action. You could validate the user has entered something for the captcha before you submit it but IMO you shouldn't try and validate it client side at all.


08-26 08:16