我使用jQuery UI选项卡,每个卡都有不同的形式就可以了。在用户输入各种数据,他们提交的整套标签,以便每个标签的帖子到服务器异步。这种运作良好,我这里没有问题。
I am using the jQuery UI tabs where each tab has a different form on it. After the user enters various pieces of data, they submit the entire set of tabs so that each tab posts to the server asynchronously. This works well, and I have no problems here.
However, where I run into a problem is that, the last form that I post has to happen AFTER all the other posts complete. General idea is like this:
postForm(0, "#Form1");
postForm(1, "#Form2");
postForm(2, "#Form3");
postForm(3, "#Form4");
$.post('Project/SaveProject', function (data) {
$('<div class="save-alert">The current project has been saved.</div>')
.animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 3000)
.fadeOut('slow', function () {
在postForm函数做处理一点点,然后做一个AJAX $ .post的电话。这里执行(以项目/ SaveProject)最后$。员额必须等待,直到这些其他职位已经完成。什么是去这样做,最好的方法是什么?
The postForm function does a little bit of processing and then makes an AJAX $.post call. The last $.post performed here (to 'Project/SaveProject') must wait until those other posts are completed. What is the best way to go about doing that?
您可以只使用 .ajaxStop( )
You can just use the .ajaxStop()
event that fires when all the other AJAX POSTs finish, assuming you're doing no other AJAX work then, like this:
postForm(0, "#Form1");
postForm(1, "#Form2");
postForm(2, "#Form3");
postForm(3, "#Form4");
$(document).ajaxStop(function() {
$.post('Project/SaveProject', function (data) {
$('<div class="save-alert">The current project has been saved.</div>')
.animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 3000)
.fadeOut('slow', function () {
火灾时的所有的运行完成后的所有的这些职位已经返回,jQuery的内部保持一个计数AJAX请求,因此它只会大火( $主动
, $。ajax.active
中的jQuery 1.5),以determind同时AJAX请求有多少优秀的...当它得到回到0时触发这个事件。
fires when all AJAX requests that are running complete, so it'll only fires when all of those POSTs have returned, jQuery keeps a count internally ($.active
, $.ajax.active
in jQuery 1.5) to determind how many simultaneous AJAX requests are outstanding...when it gets back to 0 this event fires.
This approach lets you do the other form submissions simultaneously, and do the final form ASAP after.