我创建了一个Ionic应用程序。我有一些要订购的物品。付款使用Paypal完成。我使用window.open(url)调用了一个web url,它将我重定向到Paypal。
I have created an Ionic app. I have some items to order. Payment is done using Paypal. I have called a web url using window.open(url) which is redirecting me to the Paypal.
I'm able to do the payment successfully, but Can anyone please let me know how I can come back to my ionic app after successful payment.
Note: I have not used Paypal plugin as it is not developed for windows
Use loadsart event of the InAppBrowser to catch the urls when load pages after payment was done. Then you can process your tasks according to those urls and their parameters as you prefer. As an example, when you have the payment successful url you can navigate back to your app after closing the open browser. Also you can have the data passing back when the payment is success or fail, into your application using this way. Hope this will help to you.
addEventListener('loadstart',function(event){var currentUrl = event.url / *做其余的事情根据您申请中的网址* /});
I just add a pseudo-code below.
browserRef.addEventListener('loadstart', function(event) {
var param = getParameters(event.url); //Read the parameters from the url
if (isCorrectParameters(param)) { //Check parameters agaist the payment gateway response url
browserRef.close(); // colse the browser
//Handle the success and failed scenarios
// handle fail scenario