


I am creating a little game and I have a photon torpedo which is being fired from a ship towards a target. Now as the speed of the torpedo is slow the ship will never hit any targets if they're moving and I want to fix this. I have drew up multiple theories and mapped out lots of mathematical stuff to find out the best way to accomplish this and in the end I deduced the following:

  1. 列表项
  2. 我找到了光子鱼雷到达目标所需要的时间.
  3. 我发现目标在鱼雷到达之前已经走了多远.
  4. 然后我找到目标的新位置与原始飞船之间的距离.
  5. 然后,这使我有机会使用余弦规则(SSS)来确定需要发射子弹以具有更高击中几率的弹道.



Now the only problem that I need to rotate line a to the correct orientation as by default it's parallel to line c which messes up the entire equation. Can anyone help with this? And also if you can think of a better way to find the new position suggestions are very welcome :)



Looks like game is in 2D. Now, taking all world coordinates:

Target Position: {xt, yt}
Target Velocity: {vxt, vyt}
Ship Position:   {xs, ys}

现在,假设您在方向{bx, by}上击中子弹,它是方向矢量或单位矢量.子弹的速度为sb.因此,在时间t'中,子弹和目标的空间坐标为:

Now, lets say you hit a bullet in direction {bx, by} it is a directional vector or unit vector. The bullet has speed sb. Therefore, in time t' spacial coordinates of bullet and target would be:

Target New Position: {xt + vxt*t', yt + vyt*t'}
Bullet New Position: {xs + bx*sb*t', ys + by*sb*t'} ( bullet starts from ship)


Since, at this time both bullet and target must be at one location only then we can say bullet has hit the target. Therefore, we can substitute new target position to be equal to new bullet location (after time t'):

xt + vxt*t' = xs + bx*sb*t'
yt + vyt*t' = ys + by*sb*t'

正如我之前所说,bxby是方向矢量,因此bx^2 + by^2 = 1

As I said earlier, bx and by are directional vector, therefore bx^2 + by^2 = 1

(xt + vxt*t' - xs)/(sb*t') = bx
(yt + vyt*t' - ys)/(sb*t') = by
bx^2 + by^2 = 1


Therefore, after squaring and adding them, you will get:

(yt + vyt*t' - ys)^2 + (xt + vxt*t' - xs)^2 = (sb*t')^2


This is a quadratic equation with one variable: t' solve it and then you could find bx and by.


08-04 04:27