

我正在使用两种不同的HTTP POST实用程序(海报以及Firefox和Python 请求 API)发布一个简单的SPARQL插入到Virtuoso.

I am using two different HTTP POST utilities (poster out of Firefox as well as Python requests API) to post a simple SPARQL insert to Virtuoso.



default-graph-uri: <MY_GRAPH>
should-sponge: soft
debug: on
format: application/xml
save: display

我在消息内容中放入了实际的SPARQL(INSERT DATA { GRAPH...).

I put the actual SPARQL (INSERT DATA { GRAPH...) in the content of the message.


I tried different content types, none of which worked. I do get 200 but the response is in HTML even though the above parameter set specifies application/xml, however, no data is inserted. When I try content type of text/turtle, I get 409 Invalid Path, which is also referenced in this post.

我可以成功地完成HTTP GET,但是由于性能原因,我希望超过有效载荷长度限制.与GET的唯一区别是SPARQL放在URL中的query参数下,而POST 应该在消息内容中启用更大的有效负载,方法是在同一请求中包括多个三元组,而不是只有一个(我有几千个插入物中的100个).我试图遵循此文档页面.

I can successfully do HTTP GET, however, that has a payload length limitation which I would like to exceed for performance reasons. The only difference with the GET is that the SPARQL goes in the URL under query parameter and the POST should enable a much larger payload in the message content, by including multiple triples in the same request, not just one (I have 100s of 1000s of inserts). I was trying to follow this documentation page.



There are many aspects to this "question" making it difficult to provide a simple answer, suitable to this site. This is one of the reasons I suggested the mailing list, which is better suited to conversational and/or multi-facet assistance.

  • 您是否像大多数示例一样尝试使用curl?

查看Mozilla上的海报页加载项,我发现您可能需要手动将?添加到目标URI的末尾-因此http://localhost:8890/sparql?而不是http://localhost:8890/sparql –目前尚不清楚您是否在测试中完成了此操作.在项目页面上,我还注意到其最后一次提交是在2012年,其中有很多未解决的问题.

Looking at the Poster page on Mozilla Add-Ons, I see that you may need to manually add a ? to the end of your target URI -- so http://localhost:8890/sparql? rather than http://localhost:8890/sparql -- and it's not clear whether you've done that in your testing. On the project page, I also note its last commit was in 2012, and there are a great many open issues.


I'm not at all familiar with Python, so I've not dug in there.


Have you tried setting an Accept: header? This can have significant impact on the content returned by the server.


If I understand your described efforts correctly, your format: query parameter should be output-format:, and its value should not be application/xml but one of the supported formats listed in the documentation.

virtuoso-users均不您所引用的,这个问题也没有足够的详细信息来分析409 Invalid Path错误的原因.允许我们重现此结果的显式细节可能会有所帮助,最好在不同的线程中使用.

Neither the virtuoso-users post you referenced nor this question have enough detail to analyze the cause of the 409 Invalid Path error. Explicit details that allow us to reproduce this result would be helpful, optimally in a distinct thread.


09-05 12:39