

我有一个暂停功能,可以通过firebase auth注册用户.

I have a suspend function that register an user with firebase auth.

我知道有auth错误代码,如何将它们放入try cath内?

I know that there are auth error codes, how can i get them inside the try cath?

我当时正在考虑使用 e.message ,然后将其翻译为我的语言,但是我不知道这是否是一个好方法.

I was thinking of using e.message and then translate them to my language but i dont know if that would be a good approach.

override suspend fun registerUserFirebase(email: String, password: String):Boolean {
    return try {
        auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).await()
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        if (e.message == "The email address is already in use by another account."){
            // Do stuff


对于协程,这里没有什么特别的事情要做.根据 createUserWithEmailAndPassword()会产生不同类型的异常:

There's nothing special to do here with respect to coroutines. According to the API docs for createUserWithEmailAndPassword() can yield different types of exceptions:

  • FirebaseAuthWeakPasswordException
  • 如果电子邮件地址格式错误,则会引发
  • FirebaseAuthInvalidCredentialsException
  • 如果已经存在具有给定电子邮件地址的帐户,则抛出
  • FirebaseAuthUserCollisionException
  • FirebaseAuthWeakPasswordException thrown if the password is not strong enough
  • FirebaseAuthInvalidCredentialsException thrown if the email address is malformed
  • FirebaseAuthUserCollisionException thrown if there already exists an account with the given email address

您的代码将需要使用 is 检查异常的类型,或者可能使用 何时,并根据自己的意愿确定如何处理每个人.

Your code will need to check the type of exception using is, or possibly using when, and determine what to do with each one on its own terms.


09-05 11:21