在询问,我发现在Actionscript / Flex 3中使用套接字连接接收和发送数据时,我需要设置字符编码集。
After asking "Do certain characters take more bytes than others?", I figured out that I'd need to set the character encoding set when receiving and sending data with a socket connection in Actionscript / Flex 3.
Now I've been trying to find out how to do this, however there doesn't seem to be such property available. Is there any special way of doing this?
The flash.net.Socket class is a binary input/output class. You do not specify the encoding for the socket itself because you have low-level access to the data in the socket.
What you're looking for is the Socket::readMultiByte method for reading strings from different character sets.
public function readMultiByte(length:uint, charSet:String):String
Likewise, use Socket::writeMultiByte for writing strings from a specific character set.
public function writeMultiByte(value:String, charSet:String):void
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