The IN function in Rebol finds out if a field is in an object:
IN object word
Returns the word or block in the object's context.
IN is a native value.
object (any-object! block!)
word -- (modified if series) (any-word! block! paren!)
The claim is it works with objects or blocks. It works okay if I try it with an object:
>> in object [foo: 10 bar: 20] 'foo
== foo
But if I just try it with a raw block, it gives back NONE:
>> in [foo: 10 bar: 20] 'foo
== none
Guess I'd understand if it didn't support blocks (Rebol2 didn't). But what's the case in which it wouldn't return NONE that blocks are allowed for?
冒着一口气提出这两个问题的风险,接受BLOCK有什么用! word
And at the risk of making this two questions in one, what's the deal with accepting BLOCK! for the word
parameter? I'd think it would take a block if you had a set of words you were looking for, but it seems to just return the block:
>> in object [foo: 10 bar: 20] [mumble frotz bar]
== [mumble frotz bar]
>> in object [foo: 10 bar: 20] [mumble frotz]
== [mumble frotz]
And at the further risk of making this three questions, what meaning would taking a PAREN! for word have?
IN函数并不是主要用于在对象中搜索单词,而是用于返回 in 对象,或者用Rebol术语绑定到对象.这是BIND函数的一种变体,在不同于BIND的情况下很有用.
The IN function isn't primarily meant for searching an object for a word, it is for returning a word or block of words that are in the object, or in Rebol terms bound to the object. It's a variant of the BIND function that is useful in different circumstances than BIND.
If there is no word of that name in the object, it returns none, sensibly enough. This gives it the side benefit of being able to be used in conditional expressions as a word detection function, but that's not its main use.
IN可以将一个对象块用作其对象参数,然后尝试将该单词依次绑定到每个对象,返回绑定到该单词中具有该单词的块中第一个对象的单词.对于Rebol 3 GUI的旧设计,这是一种相对较快的方法来覆盖单词查找,但是事实证明,这并不是最佳方法,因此GUI现在不使用该设计.但是,IN 阻止词被保留为将来可能在其他地方使用的潜在有用功能.
IN can take a block of objects for its object parameter and then try to bind the word to each object in turn, returning a word bound to the first object in the block that has that word. This was meant as a relatively quick way to do overriding word lookup for an old design of the Rebol 3 GUI, but it turned out to not be the best approach in that case so the GUI doesn't use that design now. However, IN block word was kept as a potentially useful feature for future use elsewhere.
In your example, there were no objects in that block, so there was nothing that IN could bind the word to. That is why IN returned none.
如果为单词参数传递一个块,它将在返回该块之前将该块绑定到该对象.这是为了允许像do in obj [print a]
,因此您应该注意类似的代码.还是应该复制 object block 中的内容-更改该内容是否为时已晚?传递单词参数的括号应具有与传递块相同的绑定行为.
If you pass IN a block for the word parameter, it binds the block to the object before it returns it. This is to allow code like do in obj [print a]
. It doesn't do a bind/copy
though, so you should be careful about code like that. Or maybe IN object block should copy - is it too late to change that? Passing a paren for the word argument should have the same binding behavior as passing a block.
When last I checked, we didn't support having both the object an word parameters be blocks. This is because we couldn't figure out a good model for what that behavior should be, at least obviously. The overriding word lookup doesn't really work with a block of words because the results would be inconclusive.
It would be useful to have a function that rebound a block to a series of objects in order, especially for recreating Rebol's not-really-nested scopes, but it would be really confusing for that function to be IN.