


>>> import io
>>> b = io.BytesIO(b"Hello World")
>>> f = io.TextIOWrapper(b)
>>> f.fileno()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
io.UnsupportedOperation: fileno

然而,当我加载文件时,有一个 fileno 属性:

However, when I load a file in, there is a fileno attribute:

>>> f = open("test.py")
>>> f.fileno()

有没有办法创建 fileno 第一种情况的属性,我将 BytesIO 对象转换为 TextIOWrapper 对象?

Is there a way to create a fileno attribute for the first case, where I am casting a BytesIO object to the TextIOWrapper object?


那么, fileno 不可用,因为没有文件


The fileno() method returns an integer, representing the position of an open file in the operating system's table of process-related files. If you don't actually open a file, the operating system won't give you a file number.

你的程序的标准输入,输出和错误流(您使用输入读取并使用 print 编写的那些)的编号为 0 1 2 。后续打开的文件通常由系统给出序列号。

Your program's standard input, output and error streams (those you read with input and write with print) are numbered 0, 1 and 2. Subsequent open files are usually given sequential numbers by the system.

这不能可靠地伪造:从 fileno()当没有实际文件支持时,对象就是谎言。这就是实现选择提高 UnsupportedOperation 的原因。没有任何回报是有意义的,除非

This cannot be faked reliably: anything you return from fileno() when no actual file is backing the object is a lie. This is why the implementation chose to raise UnsupportedOperation. No return makes sense, except perhaps None.

如果您必须拥有 fileno()对于你的字符串内容,你可以这样做:

If it's absolutely imperative that you have a fileno() for your string content, you could do this:

  • 打开<$ c的文件$ c>读+写

  • 写你的字符串

  • 将文件倒回到开头


There must be a better design, however, that won't force you to use this workaround.


08-24 00:11