我正在创建一个jQuery UI Webapp,其中在窗口底部使用固定的状态栏"来显示小片段的相关信息(在需要时).该信息显示在状态栏的左下角.到目前为止一切都很好.我遇到的问题是-我的webapp中有很多锚.例如,在应用程序的左侧,我显示了一个jstree树形视图,其中有许多
I am creating a jQuery UI webapp in which I use a fixed "status bar" at the bottom of the window to show small snippets of relevant information as and when required. The information appears in the bottom left hand corner of the status bar. All good thus far. The issue that I run into is this - I have tons of anchors in my webapp. For instance, on the left hand side of the app I show a jstree treeview which has many
<a href='#'>...
anchor elements. What is currently happening is that when the user hovers over such a treeview item (or for that matter another anchor) the browser (Google Chrome) very helpfully pops up the link URL in the bottom left hand corner. I suppose other browsers do similar things but right now I am testing only with Chrome and even in the longer term it is the two webkit browsers that really matter.
Hmmm... that helpful link URL popup is handy and useful in a "normal" web page but it is completely out of place in my webapp. Is there any way I can suppresss it? From all the reading I have done I have gathered that such suppression is blocked by most browsers since it would be a potential security loophole.
Sure, I could get my own "hint text" to appear elsewhere but that would be rather incongruous. Is there anything I can do here or am I stuck with the popup? I'd much appreciate any help.
If you use <a>
elements, the browser will always show the address on hover, as you said mainly for security reasons.
元素,因此浏览器不会在鼠标悬停时显示它们,请参阅我的工作 演示 .
However, you can use <span>
elements that work as links, so the browser don't show them on hover, see my working demo.