When it comes to creating a program based on a set of instructions, I do pretty well in designing the pseudo-code, implementing the actual code. What I feel like I lack is checking for users' input (whether it's valid or invalid). As I practiced programming, I created my own way for checking for validating users' input. But the code is lengthy and I feel like it's insufficient (I'll explain why). I wanted to know if there is a better way to check for users' input. And how do other programmers implement their code.
This is how I validate users' input:
if(cin.fail()) {
cout << "Invalid Input" << endl;
cout << "Now Exiting..." << endl;
// I didn't know how to skip a line while in code
while(input < 0) {
cout << "Invalid Input" << endl;
cout << "Enter radius: " << endl;
cin >> input;
if(cin.fail()) {
cout << "Error: Invalid Input" << endl;
cout << "Now Exiting..." << endl;
我之所以在cin未能将值单独存储到变量中时退出的原因(第1-5行,第11-15行)是因为如果我将cin.fail()添加到while条件中并尝试输入一个字母,它开始无限循环.我做了一些研究,我看到你必须先 cin.sync(),然后是 cin.clear().但我仍然得到无限循环.
The reason why I exit out when cin fails to store the value into the variable separately (line 1 - 5, line 11 -15) is because if I add the cin.fail() to the while condition and attempt to input a letter, it begins a infinite loop. I did a little research and I saw you have to cin.sync(), then cin.clear(). But I still get the infinite loop.
do {
cout << "Enter radius: ";
cin >> input;
} while(input < 0 || cin.fail());
If I'm doing something wrong, it would very helpful to see better ways to validate user's input.
The problem of input validation is an easy form of parsing.
There are language-classes (in the field of formal language theory) that express the complexity of your input. Those classes are called regular, context-free, and turing-complete.
You have to consider all your possible inputs, that your program might receive and decide whether your program should accept them or not. The language classes help you to decide what kind of input validation you need.
if the language is regular (as it is in your case) you can use regular expressions to validate the input.
例如,上下文无关语言是数学公式.您无法使用正则表达式计算括号的数量.因此,不可能用正则表达式检查 ((a+b) * (c+d))
A context-free language for example would be a math-formula. You cannot count the number of parentheses with a regular expression. Therefore it is impossible to check ((a+b) * (c+d))
has the right amount of parentheses with a regular expression.
Up to now these are hints on what you should be doing, when programming comes more naturally to you.
For the sake of simplicity well do a very constrained regular expression like parsing by hand.what you actually want to do in pseudo code:
do {
std::cout << "Please enter radius: ";
line = read_a_line_from(std::cin) // separated by '\n' the newline
if (false == really_read_a_line(line)) {
/* error handling for std::cin, dealing with i.e.: the fail bit */
break; /* exit the loop */
if (line == "exit") { // give the user an explicit exit, to quit gracefully
exit(SUCCESS); /* exit the program */
if (false == is_a_number(line)) {
/* we read something that isn't a number */
/* we should tell the user he should do as we asked */
continue; /* jump back to the beginning of the loop */
unsigned num = convert_number(line);
unsigned area = calculate_area(num); /* do something with your input */
} while (true);
The code here is not too specific on purpose that you see what you could be doing in places, still leaving out the actual implementation (for your exercise). Please note that a simple way of checking whether a line is actually a number is by converting. However not all things to parse should be checked for validity and processed at the same time.
如何检查是否给定c++ string 或 char* 只包含数字?