在终端 Emacs(无鼠标)中,我使用拆分窗口同时处理多个缓冲区.我发现在拆分窗口之间移动比在 Vim 中移动要痛苦得多.阅读文档看起来我做对了(),但这只是以顺时针方向在窗口周围循环.如果我移动到相邻的窗口进行快速编辑,则需要按 几次,然后才能回到原来的位置.有时我不小心匆忙按了太多次,不得不再次从窗户骑回来.
In Terminal Emacs (no mouse), I'm using split windows to work with multiple buffers at the same time. I'm finding moving between the split windows much more painful than how I do it in Vim. Reading the documentation it looks like I'm doing it correctly (), but that just cycles around the windows in a clockwise direction. If I move to an adjacent window to make a quick edit, I need to hit a few times before I'm back where I was. Sometimes I accidentally press it too many times in a hurry and have to cycle all the way back through the windows again.
Far from install yet-another-external-package, is there any way I can just either move directly to a window (by, say, a number), or at least cycle around the windows in the opposite direction?
在 Vim 中 就像 Emacs 中的 ,但也有 向指定方向移动......像那样?:)
In Vim is like in Emacs, but there's also to move in a specified direction... something like that? :)
将此添加到您的 init 文件中:
Add this to your init file:
Then you can use to move to the next adjacent window in the specified direction.
如果您愿意,可以通过传递参数(默认为 'shift
You can specify a different modifier if you prefer, by passing an argument (defaults to 'shift
Or just bind whatever you like to these functions:
您还可以将 FrameMove 添加到组合中,以使这项工作在多个框架中透明地进行.
You can also add FrameMove to the mix, to make this work transparently across multiple frames.
对于编号窗口导航,有 switch-window.el.
For numbered window navigation, there's switch-window.el.
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