本文介绍了IBM Worklight v5.0.6 Application Center - apk文件上传失败的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



When attempting to upload our apk file, the server responds back with simply


"File HelloWorld.apk file not uploaded"


Nothing is logged in trace.log in relation to this upload, so not able to see any type of log message to diagnose further. How do you enable logging for this?

是否有超时或文件上传大小限制?如果是这样,你如何/在哪里改变它? HelloWorld.apk文件大小为5.6MB

Is there a timeout, or file upload size limit? If so, how/where do you change that? The HelloWorld.apk file size is 5.6MB


确实存在文件大小限制,但默认情况下由MySQL强加( 1MB)。如果您使用的是MySQL 5.1或5.5(Worklight 5.0.x不支持5.6)。请按照下列步骤操作:

There is indeed a filesize limit, but it is imposed by MySQL by default (1MB). If you are using MySQL 5.1 or 5.5 (5.6 is not supported in Worklight 5.0.x). follow these steps:

  1. 找到属于MySQL安装的文件 my.ini

  2. 在其中,找到 [mysqld]

  3. 部分名称下方,粘贴这: max_allowed_pa​​cket = 1000M

  4. 重新启动MySQL服务

  5. 重新部署.apk文件

  1. Locate the file my.ini belonging to your MySQL installation
  2. In it, find the section [mysqld]
  3. Underneath the section name, paste this: max_allowed_packet=1000M
  4. Re-start the MySQL service
  5. Re-deploy the .apk file

您可能还需要重新启动运行Application Center的应用程序服务器。

You may need to re-start the application server running Application Center as well.

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08-19 18:02