任何一个知道每天的apk上传的限制?我多少次更新APPLN APK在playstore一天?最近,我来到了这个想法。任何一个可以帮助我吗?
Any one know the limit of apk upload per day? How many times I can update an appln apk in playstore for a day? Recently I came about this thought. Can any one help me please?
Is有多少不同的应用程序可以在Android Market的单个开发人员发布的限制?
This is the question mentioned by @Rohit in their comment. There is no documentation which leads to the belief that there is no maximum upload cap, though one user has stated they are capped at 15 uploads, but it isn't clear why....
Unfortunately you've hit a bit of an information void, and I think the only solution would be to try and contact the play store team themselves to ask.