我将在我的HTML客户端项目中开始使用 TypeScript
,该项目属于具有实体框架域模型的MVC项目。我希望我的两个项目(客户端和服务器端)完全分开,因为两个团队将在此工作...... JSON和REST用于来回传递对象。
I am just going to start use TypeScript
in my HTML client project which belongs to a MVC project with a entity framework domain model already there. I want my two projects (client side and server side) totally separated as two teams will work on this... JSON and REST is used to communicate objects back and forth.
对象应该与服务器端的对象匹配。在过去,我通常手动完成此操作。有没有办法重用我的C#类定义(特别是我的域模型中的 POJO
Of course, my domain
objects on the client side should match the objects on the server side. In the past, I have normally done this manually. Is there a way to reuse my C# class definitions (specially of the POJO
classes in my domain model) to create the corresponding classes in TypeScript"?
目前没有任何东西可以将C#映射到TypeScript。如果你有很多POCO或者你认为它们可能经常变化,你可以创建一个转换器 - 简单的... ...
There is not currently anything that will map C# to TypeScript. If you have a lot of POCOs or you think they might change often, you could create a converter - something simple along the lines of...
public class MyPoco {
public string Name { get; set; }
export class MyPoco {
public Name: string;
Just to keep things updated, TypeLite can generate TypeScript interfaces from C#: