How do you make an SVG interactive? Does anyone know where to find tutorials? I'd really like to get a good list of recent resources to help everyone learn dynamic and interactive graphics using SVG.
An example of the 'interactivity' I am looking for is giving an SVG event handlers and letting a user submit or receive new data through the graphic (AJAX).
All books on SVGs are from 2008 or earlier, so there is no use of modern techniques (jQuery or AJAX). All the posts on scripting SVG on Stackoverflow are from 2010 and most are also from 2008.
Raphael seems like the widely accepted library for working with SVG's. It seems to provide good high level functions.
我肯定会看看 RaphaelJS 这允许操纵SVG比从零开始的JavaScript这样做更容易。有关于如何使用事件来实现它的一些例子。但是,您可以使用JavaScript或没有任何流行的JavaScript框架外面的帮助下操纵它。与SVG的事情是,它采用了被视为DOM的一部分内容。所以,图像将是与容器的元件。这是有帮助的,因为你可以把点击事件到这些孩子的元素。
I would definitely take a look at RaphaelJS which allows manipulating SVG easier than doing it with javascript from scratch. There are some examples on how to implement it using events. However, you can manipulate it with javascript with or without the help of any of the popular javascript frameworks out there. The thing with SVG is that it uses elements that are treated as part of the DOM. So, an image would be an element with the container. This is helpful since you can place click events onto those children elements of .