在过去的几年中,我一直使用rsync一线将Mac Mini桌面(OSX 10.9、2.5 GHz i5、4 GB RAM)上的重要文件夹备份到FreeNAS盒(0.7.2 Sabanda版本) 5266,Pentium D 2.66 GHz,822MiB RAM [系统报告,我认为其中有1 GB]).我在FreeNAS机器上运行rsync守护程序.最近,这些转让已无限期地暂停.我已经完成了通常的Google-fu,并且无法确定问题的根源或解决方案.
For the past few years, I have been using an rsync one-liner to back up important folders on my Mac Mini desktop (OSX 10.9, 2.5 GHz i5, 4 GB RAM) to a FreeNAS box (0.7.2 Sabanda revision 5266, Pentium D 2.66 GHz, 822MiB RAM [reported by the system, I think there's 1 GB in there]). I am running an rsync daemon on the FreeNAS box. Recently, these transfers have been hanging indefinitely. I have done the usual Google-fu and am unable to identify the source of the problem or a solution.
rsync -rvOlt --exclude '.DS_Store' \
--exclude '.com.apple.timemachine.supported' \
--delete /Volumes/Storage/Music/Albums/
I have tried enabling -vvv
and --progress
, but there is no pattern that I can discern between what hangs and what doesn't. Heck, if I retry, the same file might hang at a different point during the transfer or not at all. A dry run (-n
) does not always succeed either. The only "success" I've had is implementing a timeout (--timeout=10
) and rerunning the command over and over. Eventually, I creep along, but with no guarantee of success and at a pace that is unacceptable. I've reached a point where I have one file that I can't get past.
Mac Mini通过5 GHz连接到我的路由器. FreeNAS盒通过100兆位端口连接到同一路由器.实际进行传输时,rsync --progress
报告为2.5-4 MB/s.根据--progress
The Mac Mini is connected to my router via 5 GHz. The FreeNAS box is wired into that same router on a 100 mbit port. When transfers are actually going, rsync --progress
reports 2.5-4 MB/s. According to --progress
, a hang is literally just that—no data transfer is occurring as far as I can tell.
I need help with both the diagnostics and the solution.
我一次又一次遇到相同的问题,如果您删除了-v选项,这似乎有帮助(如果需要该输出,这很烦人) ).
I've been running into the same thing again and again and it seems to help if you drop the -v option (which is annoying if you need that output).