


I have three threads in total. The first is the main UI thread, which starts a System.Threading.Thread (ExperimentThread), which in turn starts a BackgroundWorker (WorkerThread).


MainThread and WorkerThread both access a shared resource. I synchronise access to this resource with the following object:

private static readonly Object LockObject = new Object();


which I use as follows in the main loop of each thread:

lock (LockObject)
    // Do something with shared resource here.


public void RunExperiment
    while (!bStopThread)

        lock (LockObject)
            // Do something with shared resource here.

        if (bStopThread)


And for completeness here is the DoWork method of WorkerThread:

private void Worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    BackgroundWorker Worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

    for (int X = 0; X < 200; X++)
        if (Worker.CancellationPending)
            e.Cancel = true;

        lock (LockObject)
            // Do something with shared resource here.


This seems to work fine when both threads are running freely.


At some point the UI thread will terminate the ExperimentThread by setting one of its boolean fields to true and then wait for it to end, as follows:

if (ExperimentThread.IsAlive)
    ExperimentThread.StopThread = true;
    ExperimentThread.Join();    // this line seems to cause the deadlock?


As soon as Join() is called, a deadlock occurs on the shared resource being accessed by ExperimentThread and WorkerThread, and my application hangs indefinitely. This happens maybe 9 out of 10 times.


If I remove ExperimentThread.Join() from the code snippet above, the deadlock never occurs, and ExperimentThread appears to terminate gracefully (it then goes on to terminate WorkerThread by calling CancelAsync()).


Any ideas what could be the problem here?


(P.S. I've been using Console.WriteLine() to determine when locks are taken and released, which is what has lead me to believe there's a deadlock. Is there a better to determine this, I could be wrong?)


一种更好的检查方法是使用并发可视化工具在Visual Studio的更高级别SKU中可用.它将使您确切地看到锁定了每个线程的是什么,以及正在等待线程的是什么,等等.

A better way to check this is to use something like the Concurrency Visualizer available in higher level SKUs of Visual Studio. It will allow you to see exactly what has locked each thread, and what handles threads are waiting on, etc.


As for the exact reason you are getting a deadlock - there isn't enough code to determine this, but common issues are:

  1. ExperimentThread和主线程(带有Join()调用)都锁定在同一对象上,即在lock(LockObject)语句中.
  2. ExperimentThread使用Control.Invoke封送回UI线程的调用.由于UI线程被阻止(在Join()上等待),因此它永远无法处理消息,这将阻止ExperimentThread完成.
  1. ExperimentThread and the main thread (with the Join() call) are both locking on the same object - ie: within a lock(LockObject) statement.
  2. ExperimentThread is using Control.Invoke to marshal a call back onto the UI thread. Since the UI thread is blocked (waiting on the Join()), it can never process messages, which will prevent ExperimentThread from completing.

话虽如此,如果您使用的是.NET 4或更高版本,通常建议使用TaskTask<T>而不是新的Thread. Task提供了一个更好的API用于处理线程,包括允许继续而不是阻塞. C#5对此进行了扩展,甚至允许您异步地等待任务完成.

That being said, in general, I would recommend using Task or Task<T> instead of a new Thread if you're using .NET 4 or higher. Task provides a much nicer API for working with threads, including allowing continuations instead of blocking. C# 5 extends this to even allow you to asynchronously wait for the task to complete.


07-29 19:03