我实际上不确定这是否可能,但无论如何我都会问.我有一组手风琴控件,在每个控件的内容主体中,我需要显示一个网格面板.网格面板需要附加一个点击事件.我曾尝试简单地创建网格面板并将手风琴的 html 属性设置为它,但这不会产生任何内容.
I'm actually not sure if this is possible, but I will ask it anyway. I have a group of accordion controls, and within the content body of each I need to display a grid panel. The grid panel needs to have a click event attached to it. I have tried simply creating the grid panel and setting the html property of the accordion to it, but this produces no content.
Is there somehow I can achieve the above?
您不能将 html 内容(由属性插入)与任何其他内容一起使用.如果您添加任何 item html 属性值不会设置/覆盖.但可以肯定的是,您可以将任何您想要的东西放入一个手风琴面板中.甚至是格子.但对于这种情况,根据最后一个问题,我建议您将视图引用到网格中.您可以简单地使用 ComponentQuery
点击事件可以通过使用控制 控制器的功能.
The click events can be applied by using the control function of the controller.
在 ExtJS 中,你很少使用纯 html 代码.在大多数情况下,您可以使用任何类型的组件.All 嵌套在 items-array 或 dockedItem-array 中.这些数组中的项目也由布局系统处理.
In the following this
refers to the controller itself.
您知道网格的 ID(通常您没有这样做).Id 由起始 #
You know the Id of the grid (normally you didn't do this). Id's are marke by a starting #
control({'#yourId': {itemclick: this.onItemclick }});
您知道 xtype 并且这种类型只有一个实例.您还可以通过在 xtypes 之间使用空格来描述路径.
You know the xtype and that there is only one instance of this type. You can also describe a path by using spaces between the xtypes.
control({'grid': {itemclick: this.onItemclick }});
您已将自定义属性设置为 grid(您可以通过这种方式引用任何属性).这个完全兼容上面的那个.我推荐你使用这个
You have set a custom property to grid (you can refer any property this way). This one is fully compatible the the one above. I recommend this one in your case
control({'grid[customIdent=accordionGrid]': {itemclick: this.onItemclick }});
这只是使用 ComponentQueries 的一些方法,还有更多.有关更详细的解释,您应该参考 组件查询
This are just some ways to use ComponentQueries, there are more. For a more detailed explanation you should refer the sencha API for ComponentQuery
还要注意,每个组件都实现了up() 和 down() 方法也支持 ComponentQueries.
Also note that every component implements the up() and down() methods which also support ComponentQueries.
我忘了提及:对于一个控件,查询严格只需要返回一个结果(只会获取第一个结果),另一方面,ComponentQuery 可以返回多个结果.
I forgot to mention: For a control the query strictly need to return just one result (only the first one will be taken) a ComponentQuery on the other hand can return multiple results.
这篇关于Extjs 向手风琴内容添加网格面板的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!