Our job/pipeline is writing the results of a ParDo transformation back out to GCS i.e. using TextIO.Write.to("gs://...")
We've noticed that when the job/pipeline completes, it leaves numerous 0 byte files in the output bucket.
The input to the pipeline is from multiple files from GCS, so I'm assuming the results are sharded, which is fine.
But why do we get empty files?
It is likely that these empty shards are the results of an intermediate pipeline step which turned out to be somewhat sparse and some pre-partitioned shards had no records in them.
例如如果在TextIO.Write之前有一个GroupByKey,并且说密钥空间被分片为[00,01),[01,02),...,[fe,ff)范围(总共255个分片),但是全部从此GroupByKey的输入发出的实际键值在[34,81)和[a3,b5)范围内,则将生成255个输出文件,但大多数输出文件为空. (这是一个假设的分区方案,仅供您参考)
E.g. if there was a GroupByKey right before the TextIO.Write and, say, the keyspace was sharded into ranges [00, 01), [01, 02), ..., [fe, ff) (255 shards total), but all actual keys emitted from the input of this GroupByKey were in the range [34, 81) and [a3, b5), then 255 output files will be produced, but most of them will turn out empty. (this is a hypothetical partitioning scheme, just to give you the idea)
The rest of my answer will be in the form of Q&A.
为什么要完全生成空文件?如果没有任何输出,请不要创建文件!的确,从技术上讲避免生产它们是可能的,例如通过在写入第一个元素时在写入输出时延迟打开它们. AFAIK我们通常不这样做,因为空的输出文件通常不是问题,并且比没有文件更容易理解空文件:例如,如果仅发现50个分片中的第一个,那将非常令人困惑非空,您将只有一个名为00001-of-000050的输出文件:您想知道其他49个文件发生了什么.
Why produce empty files at all? If there's nothing to output, don't create the file!It's true that it would be technically possible to avoid producing them, e.g. by opening them lazily when writing output when the first element is written. AFAIK we normally don't do this because empty output files are usually not an issue, and it is easier to understand an empty file than absence of a file: it would be pretty confusing if, say, only the first of 50 shards turned out non-empty and you would only have a single output file named 00001-of-000050: you'd wonder what happened to the 49 other ones.
But why not add a post-processing step to delete the empty files? In principle we could add a post-processing step of deleting the empty outputs and renaming the rest (to be consistent with the xxxxx-of-yyyyy filepattern) if empty outputs became a big issue.
空碎片的存在是否预示着我的管道有问题?大量的空碎片可能意味着系统选择的碎片不是次优/不均匀,我们应该将计算拆分为更少,更统一的碎片.如果这对您来说是个问题,是否可以提供有关管道输出的更多详细信息,例如:屏幕截图显示非空输出也非常小:它们仅包含少量记录吗? (如果是这样,可能难以在不事先知道数据的情况下实现统一分片)
Does existence of empty shards signal a problem in my pipeline?A lot of empty shards might mean that the system-chosen sharding was suboptimal/uneven and we should have split the computation into fewer, more uniform shards. If this is a problem for you, could you give more details about your pipeline's output, e.g.: your screenshot shows that the non-empty outputs are also pretty small: do they contain just a handful of records? (if so, it may be difficult to achieve uniform sharding without knowing the data in advance)
But the shards of my original input are not empty, doesn't sharding of output mirror sharding of input? If your pipeline has GroupByKey (or derived) operations, there will be intermediate steps where the number of shards in input and output are different: e.g. an operation may consume 30 shards of input but produce 50 shards of output, or vice versa. Different number of shards in input and output is also possible in some other cases not involving GroupByKey.
TL; DR如果您的总体输出正确,那不是错误,但请告诉我们是否对您有问题:)
TL;DR If your overall output is correct, it's not a bug, but tell us if it is a problem for you :)