I am currently involved in a ASP.NET project with about 40 projects in the solution. We are doing all our development in cloned Virtual PC environments so all developers have identical setups. That's all good, managing dependencies is easy, however building the solution is horribly slow. Virtual PC can only utilize one CPU so I'm really only using half of my computers resources.
It takes a full 3 minutes from build to a complete page load.. and it's getting worse every day as the projects grow. Fixing simple things is starting to take a long time and personally, I'm getting frustrated waiting all the time as I can't really work while the computer is compiling.
Is there any way of distributing my build across several computers to speed up the build process?
Would an SSD noticeably improve upon my build times?
Are there any other way of speeding up the build?
注意:我曾尝试precompiling静态依赖关系的 NGEN 的,但后来读了ASP.NET不支持的 NGEN 的。我使用Visual Studio 2008并没有杀毒软件present在虚拟环境中。
Note: I have tried precompiling static dependencies with ngen but later read that ASP.NET does not support ngen. I use Visual Studio 2008 and there is no antivirus software present in the virtual environment.
You can greatly reduce the time you wait for a build with ASP.NET by doing the following:
- 使用新的optimizeCompilations标志。它会告诉.NET不重建只是因为你改变了一个项目/ DLL整个项目。如果你有40个项目,你不使用它,每次你在一个项目中改变一个简单的方法,.NET将尝试编译所有其他项目和DLL。随着新标志(加上修补程序的安装),你会看到很多提高整体性能的开发过程中。检查出来这个博客帖子就如何加快构建与此optimizeCompilations标志细节:http://www.wagnerdanda.me/2009/11/optimizing-asp-net-build-time-with-dynamic-compilation-and-optimizecompilations/