



我正在使用1904年日期系统,因此我可以使用负时间值,而且我在澳大利亚,所以日期的格式为dd / mm / yyyy。



Sheet1 Range( A1:中包含从01/01/2019到25/01/2019的日期。 A25)

Sheet2 在单元格中包含01/01/2019 A1 和10/01/2019在单元格 A2 和一个activeX 命令按钮中。


  Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

是昏暗的myStart =我。范围( A1)。值$我要结束
我的端= Me.Range( A2)。值

Dim v As Variant
Dim x As Long
Dim myArr As Variant
ReDim myArr(0 to 100)
x = 0

对于v = myStart到myEnd
如果v =空,则对于
退出myArr(x)= v
Debug.Print( v = & v)
Debug.Print( myArr =& myArr(x))
x = x + 1

lastrow = Me.Cells(Rows.Count,4).End(xlUp).Row
x = 0 0
对于Sheet1中的每个单元格。Range( A1:A100)
如果cell = myArr(x)然后
Me.Cells(lastrow,3).Value = cell
Me.Cells(lastrow,4)。值=格式(像元, dd / mm / yyyy)
lastrow = lastrow + 1
End if
x = x + 1
End Sub


  CD Sheet1.Range( A1:A5)[当显示为数字格式时] 
1 43466 01/01/2019 42004
2 43467 02/01/2019 42005
3 43468 03/01/2019 42006
4 43469 04/01/2019 42007
5 4347 0 05/01/2019 42008


使用胁迫窗口我注意到?cdbl(DateValue(now))= 43496(31/01/2019)我想知道使用1904年日期系统的日期哪个值正确?根据Sheet1中的值,它应该为 42034




  Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End If
End Sub


I'm writing a vba subroutine in excel to store all date values between 2 dates in a single dimension array and then check for each value in a range on another sheet.

My problem is when the code is grabbing the date values (as an integer(or double - whichever one it is actually using)) it is storing a value 1462 greater than the date value on the sheet.

I am using the 1904 date system so I can use negative time values and i'm in Australia so dates are formatted dd/mm/yyyy.

I understand the difference is the same as the difference between date values when using 1900 vs. 1904 date systems which leads me to believe perhaps VBA is defaulting the sheet value to be in 1900 and converting the value to 1904 again when the code is run?

This workbook is set up as follows:

And the code:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim myStart As Long
Dim myEnd As Long

myStart = Me.Range("A1").Value
myEnd = Me.Range("A2").Value

Dim v As Variant
Dim x As Long
Dim myArr As Variant
ReDim myArr(0 To 100)
x = 0

For v = myStart To myEnd
    If v = Empty Then Exit For
    myArr(x) = v
    Debug.Print ("v = " & v)
    Debug.Print ("myArr = " & myArr(x))
    x = x + 1

Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Me.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
x = 0
For Each cell In Sheet1.Range("A1:A100")
Debug.Print (CDbl(cell))
    If cell = myArr(x) Then
        Me.Cells(lastrow, 3).Value = cell
        Me.Cells(lastrow, 4).Value = Format(cell, "dd/mm/yyyy")
        lastrow = lastrow + 1
    End If
    x = x + 1
End Sub

The output for the cell values in columns 3 and 4 are as follows (first 5 rows for demonstration):

       C         D             Sheet1.Range("A1:A5")[when displayed as number format]
1    43466    01/01/2019                42004
2    43467    02/01/2019                42005
3    43468    03/01/2019                42006
4    43469    04/01/2019                42007
5    43470    05/01/2019                42008

The dates are written into the cell as a short date format not numeric value.

Using the intimidate window I've noticed ?cdbl(DateValue(now)) = 43496 (31/01/2019) which is making me wonder which values are correct for the dates using the 1904 date system? Per the values in Sheet1 it should be 42034.

Is the issue caused by a data type or function I've used, is it as questioned earlier - the sheet is converting them to 1904 when the values are assigned to Sheet2 with VBA, is it a bug with excel or something else?

I found a question with the same problem here on mrexcel however the resolution there was change Excel to use the 1900 date system or subtract 1462 from the values in the code which I'm hoping to avoid both of.


In general, the date system in VBA is different than the date system in Excel. You can have these 3 date system options:

  • Excel date
  • Excel date with 1904 property
  • VBA date

This is the difference:

The dates are converted to numbers. E.g., every date is converted to a number, but the starting number is a bit different.

  • In Excel, the 1 is converted to 01.January.1900;
  • In VBA, the 1 is converted to 31.December.1899;
  • In Excel with 1904, the 1 is converted to 02.January.1904;

The 1904 system (or its lack) is set per Workbook. Thus, if you have 2 workbooks in Excel, one with 1904 and one without it, it would recognize them correspondingly. The system is set in:

File > Options > Advanced > Use 1904 Date System

In general, if there is a chance, that someone somehow changes your workbook with the wrong system, consider adding this check at the openning of the workbook:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    If ThisWorkbook.Date1904 Then
        MsgBox "System is 1904, consider some action!"
    End If
End Sub

If you are wondering which system to choose - I can recommend never using the 1904.


08-19 16:43