我使用 Angular 和 Firestore 开发了一个示例应用程序.我在大约2个月前部署了我的应用程序,此后一直运行良好.
I developed a sample application using Angular and Firestore.I deployed my application about 2 months ago and since then always has worked great.
In the last week, however, I noticed that the application is blocked after a couple of hours of usage for "client offline" error.I found out that after 2 hours of usage I exceed the daily quota of reading operations.
The limit is 0,05 milions operations.But normally I make 30-40 operations in a hour and I never got error before the last days.
在Google网上论坛上询问了此问题之后,名为迈克尔·莱恩鲍尔(Michael Lehenbauer)回答,并提供以下信息:
After this question was asked on Google Groups, a user called Michael Lehenbauer replied with the following:
So unless you limit the reads performed, all documents in the collection or a parent document are read which can lead to many requests once your database grows (Which would explain why the app worked before).
A possible workaround to do this would be to cache the data somewhere locally and refresh it after some time or to add a limit clause to your requests.