创建Ajax请求,我一直张贴到一个单独的PHP文件时为止。是否有可能创建一个jQuery AJAX请求调用PHP函数,而不是职位,以一个单独的页面?
So far when creating AJAX requests I have been posting to a separate PHP file. Is it possible to create a jQuery AJAX request that calls a PHP function rather than posts to a separate page?
If you could send me any examples or documentation would be great.
AJAX requests call a URL (make a HTTP request), not a file, in most cases the URL is translated by the server to point at a file (or a php script in your case), but everything that happens from the HTTP request to the response that is received is up to you (on your server).
There are many PHP frameworks that map URL's to specific php functions, AJAX is just an asynchronous way to access a URL and receive a response.
Said URL CAN trigger the server to call a specific function and send back a response. But it is up to you to structure your URL's and server side code as such.