I am very new to Node.js and express. I am currently learning it by building my own services.I recently read about clusters. I understood what clusters do. What I am not able to understand is how to make use of clusters in a production application.
One way I can think of is to use the Master process to just sit in front and route the incoming request to the next available child process in a round robin fashion. I am not sure if this is how it is designed to be used. I would like to know how should clusters be used in a typical web application.
只要您想将请求处理分散到多个node.js进程中,就可以将node.js集群模块与node.js一起使用。当您希望提高每秒处理更多请求的能力并且您的服务器中有多个CPU内核时,通常使用此方法。默认情况下,node.js的单个实例将不会完全利用多个核心,因为您在服务器中运行的核心Javascript是单线程的(使用一个核心)。 Node.js本身确实在内部将线程用于某些事情,但是仍然不太可能充分利用多核系统。为每个CPU内核设置集群的node.js进程将使您能够更好地最大化可用的计算资源。
The node.js cluster modules is used with node.js any time you want to spread out the request processing across multiple node.js processes. This is most often used when you wish to increase your ability to handle more requests/second and you have multiple CPU cores in your server. By default, a single instance of node.js will not fully utilize multiple cores because the core Javascript you run in your server is single threaded (uses one core). Node.js itself does use threads for some things internally, but that's still unlikely to fully utilize a mult-core system. Setting up a clustered node.js process for each CPU core will allow you to better maximize the available compute resources.
Clustering also provides you with some additional fault tolerance. If one cluster process goes down, you can still have other live clusters serving requests while the disabled cluster restarts.
The cluster module for node.js has a couple different scheduling algorithms - the round robin you mention is one. You can read more about that here: Cluster Round-Robin Load Balancing.
Because each cluster is a separate process, there is no automatic shared data among the different cluster processes. As such, clustering is simplest to implement either where there is no shared data or where the shared data is already in a place that it can be accessed by multiple processes (such as in a database).
请记住,单个node.js进程(如果被编写为正确使用异步I / O而不是大量的计算绑定)可以一次处理许多请求。群集是您想要将可伸缩性扩展到一个实例所不能提供的范围。
Keep in mind that a single node.js process (if written to properly use async I/O and not heavily compute bound) can server many requests itself at once. Clustering is when you want to expand scalability beyond what one instance can deliver.