Is 418 "I'm a teapot" really an HTTP response code?
There are various references to this on the internet, including in lists of response codes, but I can't figure out whether it's a weird joke.
I use this code. I have nginx reverse-proxying requests to two separate HTTP servers. One handles requests for unauthenticated users, and the second handles requests for authenticated users. The problem in this particular case, is the first server is the one that determines if the user is authenticated. Please don't ask why.
因此,如果第一台服务器确定用户已通过身份验证,它将响应418 I'm a teapot
So, if the first server determines the user is authenticated, it responds 418 I'm a teapot
. NGINX then reroutes the traffic internally to the second server. As far as the browser is concerned, it was a single request.
这是 HTCPCP代码418 的精神,因为如果如果您尝试用茶壶BREW,则适当的响应是我不是那种可以处理该请求的事物,但可能还有其他事物." ..换句话说,我是茶壶.找到咖啡机." (第二台服务器是咖啡机).
This is in the spirit of HTCPCP code 418, because if you attempt to BREW with a teapot, the appropriate response is "I'm not the kind of thing that can handle that request, but there may be others." .. In other words, "I'm a teapot. Find a coffee maker." (the second server being the coffee maker).
最终,虽然未在 RFC 7231 中明确定义418,但实际上是仍然被4xx (Client Error)
Ultimately, while 418 is not explicitly defined in RFC 7231, it is still covered by the umbrella of 4xx (Client Error)
- 4xx(客户端错误):请求包含错误的语法或无法实现
- 状态代码的4xx(客户端错误)类指示客户端似乎已经犯了错误.除了回应HEAD要求外,服务器应该发送一个包含以下内容的解释的表示形式:错误情况,以及它是临时的还是永久的健康)状况.这些状态代码适用于任何请求方法.用户代理应该向用户显示任何包含的表示形式.
- The 4xx (Client Error) class of status code indicates that the clientseems to have erred. Except when responding to a HEAD request, theserver SHOULD send a representation containing an explanation of theerror situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanentcondition. These status codes are applicable to any request method.User agents SHOULD display any included representation to the user.