本文介绍了HTTP ETag和HTTP重定向的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个网络服务器,该服务器在响应中发出ETag标头,并从客户端检查If-None-Match标头(如果存在).在这种情况下,客户端不是Web浏览器,而是go的内置net/http http.Client类型的扩展.

I have a webserver that issues the ETag header on responses and checks the If-None-Match header from the client, if present. The client in this case, is not a web browser but an extension of go's builtin net/http http.Client type.


package util

import "net/http"
import "net/url"

type HttpClient struct {
    etags map[url.URL]string

func (hc *HttpClient) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
    const ETAG_SERVER_HEADER = "ETag"
    const ETAG_CLIENT_HEADER = "If-None-Match"

    //Do not attempt to use ETags on non-GET requests
    if req.Method != "GET" {
        return hc.Client.Do(req)

    //Check for an existing etag
    etag, ok := hc.etags[*req.URL]
    if ok { //If an ETag is present, send it along
        if req.Header == nil {
            req.Header = http.Header{}
        req.Header.Add(ETAG_CLIENT_HEADER, etag)

    //Do the response
    response, err := hc.Client.Do(req)
    //If the response is ok
    if err == nil {

        if hc.etags == nil {
            hc.etags = make(map[url.URL]string)

        //Check for an ETAG from the server, store it if present
        etag = response.Header.Get(ETAG_SERVER_HEADER)
        if len(etag) != 0 {
            hc.etags[*req.URL] = etag

    return response, err


It is working without issue as of present.


I am only storing and sending the ETag for GET requests. While it is valid to send them for other requests, it is not in my use case as of current so I'm not bothering with it. The ETags are stored by mapping the url.URL object to a string.

我的问题是这个.我请求" http://foo.com/bar.html ".服务器使用302 FoundLocation标头将我重定向到" http://foo.com/qux.html ".然后,我请求" http://foo.com/qux.html "并获得一个200 OK带有ETag标头.

My question is this. I request "http://foo.com/bar.html". The server redirects me using 302 Found and the Location header to "http://foo.com/qux.html". I then request "http://foo.com/qux.html" and get a 200 OK along with an ETag header.


With what URL do I associate the ETag header from the last response?

302 Found本身可以包含ETag标头吗?

Could the 302 Found itself include an ETag header?


一个 ETag 与当前请求的选定的表示形式"相关联. 302找到响应的选定表示形式通常包含简短的超文本请注意,并带有指向不同URI的超链接."因此,如果302响应包含ETag,则ETag与该超文本相关联.

An ETag is associated with the "selected representation" of the current request. The selected representation for a 302 Found response "usually contains a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the different URI(s)." Therefore, if a 302 response contains an ETag, the ETag is associated with that hypertext.

但是,如果在对使用重定向进行响应的资源的请求中包含If-None-Match(或其他前提条件),则服务器将忽略该前提条件.根据 RFC 7232的第5部分(我强调):

However, if you include an If-None-Match (or other precondition) in a request to a resource that responds with a redirect, the server will ignore the precondition. According to Section 5 of RFC 7232 (my emphasis):


Thus, while a 302 response can contain an ETag, it is not useful because the server may not use it in further requests to that resource.

这篇关于HTTP ETag和HTTP重定向的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 09:17