


I am new to Hadoop and I've run across an issue I'm not sure how to solve.


I have two existing HDFS users: one called hdfs and one called user1. When I write a file to HDFS as user1, both users can see and delete the files. However if I add the file as the user hdfs, user1 throws a file not found error when I try to use it. Why would one user be able to edit a file while the other can't? Is there anything I can do to allow user1 to also be able to edit the file?


hdfs  = drwxr-xr-x
user1 = drwxrwxr-x

我正在CentOS 6.6上将HDFS作为OpenJDK 1.8的一部分运行

I am running HDFS as part of OpenJDK 1.8 on CentOS 6.6



hdfs user is a super user, so whenever you copy a file as hdfs, other uses cannot see. if you want to see those file you have to execute command as like below

sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -cat /path/


user1 is a normal user, so whenever you copy a file as user1, hdfs user can have access to those files


yes, there is command like below to change groups, users, owners, etc

hdfs dfs chgrp
hdfs dfs chmod
hdfs dfs chown


10-23 01:06