

我们在项目中长期使用 soapUI免费版本(4.5.1)来测试我们的Web服务.我们大多使用简单的策略以及不同的线程数来检查服务器和Web服务的负载.我们使用50、75、100和150线程来检查我们的Web服务可以处理多少个连接.我们没有使用延迟,因此也没有使用随机数来获得恒定线程.

We have been using soapUI free version (4.5.1) for a long time in our project to test our web services. We mostly used simple strategy along with different thread counts to check the load of our servers and web services. We used 50, 75, 100 and 150 thread to check how many connections that our web service can handle. We used no delay and therefore, no random to have constant threads.


After our servers went down, system experts arrived today and told us that soapUI does not really creates threads as entered (i.e. 100). They argued that the free version updates and sets the thread count to 5 (or something lower or higher) instead of our desired value. This really shocked us because we tested our project with free version and did not use any other test tool to cross-check.


So, what I am trying to ask is, is it true that I can create only limited threads and not use, say, 150 threads in the free version of soapUI?




It wouldn't make sense for SoapUI to have such a restriction since it's open source; so anyone could fork SoapUI and remove the restriction from the source code.

此混乱可能是因为在SoapUI 4.5.0(开放源代码和Pro版本)中存在一个限制线程数的错误.此错误已在4.5.1中修复

This confusion might be because there was a bug limiting the number of threads in SoapUI 4.5.0 (both Open Source and Pro version). This bug is fixed in 4.5.1



10-09 23:53