

我使用IKVM将jar文件转换为.net dll文件。现在我试图在我的.net应用程序中使用它,但似乎qrcodereader.decode需要BinaryBitmap,它进一步要求Luminance作为参数。请在这种情况下指导我,因为我找不到实现抽象类的正确的类。

I converted the jar file into .net dll file using IKVM. Now i am trying to consume it in my .net app, but it seems that the qrcodereader.decode requires BinaryBitmap which further requires Luminance as parameter. Please guide me in this situation since i couldn't find the right classes that implements the abstract classes.



Luminance sources are platform specific. You can find examples in the android, java2se, and iphone directories. I don't know if there are any luminance sources in the csharp directory but that code is not actively maintained so even if there is, it'll likely take cleanup adaptation (not to mention I have no idea if it's compatible with IKVM).


07-07 14:48