I would like to have some words underlined where the underline can be a different length. I would also like to be able to change the position of the underline (move it further left or right under the word). It seemed to be a pretty easy task, but I can't get it to work.
.underline {
border-bottom: 1px solid #5fca66;
padding-bottom: 5px;
This is a <span class="underline">sentence</span>. I would like some words to have longer <span class="underline">underlines</span> than others. I would also like to be able to change the <span class="underline">position</span> of the <span class="underline">underline</span>(to be centered under the word, for example).
Use gradient and you can easily adjust size and position:
.underline {
background-position:bottom center; /*Adjust the background-position to move the line*/
background-size:80% 2px; /*Adjust the background size to control length and height*/
padding-bottom: 4px;
.small {
background-size:50% 1px;
.left {
background-position:bottom left;
.center-close {
background-position:bottom 5px center;
.right {
background-position:bottom right;
.big {
background-size:100% 3px;
body {
This is a <span class="underline">sentence</span>. I would like some words to have longer <span class="underline left">underlines</span> than others.
I would <span class="underline big center-close">also like</span> to be able to change the <span class="underline small right">position</span> of the <span class="underline big">underline</span>(to
be centered under the word, for example).