

我一直在阅读Bruce Dawson的本文比较浮点值.但是他所有的例子都在检查

I've been reading this article by Bruce Dawson on how to compare floating point values. But all of his examples were checking if

  floatA == floatB. 


So I was wondering if there is a proper way to compare if either

  floatA > floatB 

  floatA <floatB.

或者是< ,>运算符足以考虑浮点值?

Or is the < , > operator enough to consider the floating point values?


I'm not interesed in how to check for equals. I'm interested if there is a way to do checks for if one float value is smaller / greater than the other.



The issue with comparing floats for equality is that many number have no exact representation in binary floating point. For example 0.1 cannot be represented exactly in floating point, only a very very close approximation.


So when you take that approximation and multiply it by 10 you do not get exactly 1.0 as you might expect.

因此,如果您输入"if(0.1 * 10 == 1.0)",则不会获得预期的结果,很可能会得到错误的结果.

So if you write "if (0.1 * 10 == 1.0)" you won't get the result you expect, you'll get false most likely.


The same issue applies to less than and greater than.

如果(0.1 * 10< 1.0)"-这应该是不正确的,因为值是相等的.但是实际上,这可能是正确的,因为0.1是一个近似值,它比0.1稍微小一点,然后乘以10,得出的值比1.0稍微小一点,这使得该检验为假时该检验为真.

"if (0.1 * 10 < 1.0) " - this should not be true because the values are equal.However in practice it probably will be true because 0.1 is an approximation that is very slightly smaller than 0.1 and multiplying it by 10 gives a value very slightly smaller than 1.0 making the test true when it shoulsd be false.


If your comparisons might be affected by this then you'll need to deal with it appropriately.

在某些情况下,这不是问题.if(distance_to_work< 10.0)//可能不会引起问题但在某些情况下

In may cases this is not an issue. if (distance_to_work < 10.0) // Probably not going to cause an issueBut in some it might be


10-26 18:02