I have Particulate Matter concentration difference (After - Before) for Port of Los Angeles area. I am trying to use ggmap to plot concentration contours on map but the result looks way different. The code I used is shown below (and data is below the code):
PM = read.csv('data.csv', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
geocode("Port of Los Angeles") # Not centered
geocode("Compton, CA") # Now centered
使用Compton LON和LAT
POLA = c(lon = -118.220071, lat = 33.895849)
POLA.map = get_map(location = POLA, zoom = 10, color = 'bw')
ggmap(POLA.map) + geom_point(data = PM, mapping = aes(Longitude, Latitude)) +
stat_density2d(data = PM, mapping = aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, fill=..level..), geom = "polygon", alpha = 0.3, contour = TRUE)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XVjcsci0y3VDBTc01PYkhOckE/view?usp = sharing
ggplot(PM, aes(UTM.X, UTM.Y)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = Value), alpha = 0.8, color = "black") +
scale_fill_gradient(low = 'green', high = 'red')
UTM坐标单位:米,UTM区域= 11 N,基准= WGS84.可在此处获取数据: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XVjcsci0y3LUpudko1S2c1cnc/view?usp = sharing
用于绘制密度图,例如深色的点很多,浅色的点很多.您有一个具有 Value
is used for plotting density maps, for example dark colours where there are lots of points and light colours where there's few. You have a regular grid with a Value
attribute, not a density plot.
因此,您应该使用 geom_tile
So you should be using geom_tile
to get a regular grid map. But your lat-long coordinates do not form an axis-aligned grid. Try this:
ggplot(data = PM, mapping = aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, fill=Value)) + geom_tile()
and you get a blank plot, try this:
ggplot(data = PM, mapping = aes(x = UTM.X, y = UTM.Y, fill=Value)) + geom_tile()
,您将获得情节.当然,它与 ggmap
and you get your plot. Of course its not in the same coordinate system as the ggmap
您可能可以使用基本R的 contourLines
函数来获取UTM坐标中的轮廓线坐标,制作一个 SpatialLinesDataFrame
,然后转换为Lat-long并添加到 ggmap
You can probably use base R's contourLines
function to get the coordinates of contour lines in UTM coordinates, make a SpatialLinesDataFrame
, then transform to Lat-long and add to a ggmap
Another possibility to get what looks like a grid map is to use points with squares as the shape.
ggmap(POLA.map) + geom_point(data = PM, mapping = aes(Longitude, Latitude, colour=Value), size=4, alpha=0.5, shape=15) + scale_colour_gradient(low = 'green', high = 'red')
There's some artefacts where the grid cells overlap that look a bit like cell outlines, and the legend is showing with no opacity so looks more saturated than the cells. You'll have to get the size parameter right, as it depends on the size of your graphics device.
Failing all that, turn your data into a raster package raster object, save it as a GeoTIFF, and load it into QGIS, which can reproject UTM grids onto Lat-long on the fly.
QGIS also has some nice blending modes so you can do this pretty easily:
Note this is not transparency, this is multiplicative blending. Transparency causes dark colours to get washed out, whereas multiplicative blending lets black show through, so labelling and base map detail are still visible.
Also, note how the raster is not axis-aligned (especially obvious at the bottom).