I am trying to compile a Kivy program onto iOS, but when I run the command to build the Kivy distro I keep getting this error:
I have xcode on my computer. What is going on?
有点晚了,但是在尝试使用kivy时遇到了相同的错误,这对我有帮助:在XCode 首选项中打开,标签到 Locations ,然后查看您选择的 Command Line Tools .我的是空的.当我将其更改为当前使用的版本时,该错误突然消失了.我在这里(底部)找到了此解决方案: https://groups.google.com/论坛/#!topic/rubymotion/Xw8gPcr2Fl8
A bit late, but I had the same error experimenting with kivy and this helped me:Open in XCode Preferences, tab into Locations and take a look at your Command Line Tools selection. Mine was empty. When I changed it to the current used version suddenly the error was gone. I found this solution here (bottom): https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rubymotion/Xw8gPcr2Fl8
如果仍然缺少某些内容,则可以尝试下载旧的IOS版本,以确保安装了某些内容.在您的应用程序名称旁边,您可以选择设备,单击它,然后选择Download Simulations ...,然后选择所需的IOS.我已经在上述步骤之前完成了此步骤,所以我不知道是否有必要.
If there is still something missing you can try to download an older IOS version to be sure there is something installed. Next to your appname you can select the device, click on it and select Download Simulations... and select the IOS you wish. I have done this step before the above, so I don't know if it's necessary.
这篇关于我收到"xcrun:错误:SDK" iphonesimulator",无法找到"运行工具链时的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!