

我有两个运行Windows Server 2012的虚拟机.一个运行Jenkins,另一个运行Jenkins的构建作业之一.作业从Subversion中检出测试代码,然后在Windows批处理脚本中运行mvn test -Dtest=com.package.name.TestName.该测试会编译并运行,但失败,并显示ElementNotVisibleException.这些是使用Selenium和Firefox驱动程序的TestNG测试.

I have two virtual machines running Windows Server 2012. One is running Jenkins, and another that is running one of Jenkins' build jobs. The job checks out test code from subversion and then runs mvn test -Dtest=com.package.name.TestName in a windows batch script. The test compiles and runs, but fails with an ElementNotVisibleException. These are TestNG tests with Selenium and a Firefox driver.


If I take the exact same command and run it from the Windows command line, the test succeeds. Another thing I notice is that when run from the command line, the browser window appears and I can watch it run through the test, but when run by Jenkins no window appears.


I found this question that suggests this is because our Jenkins is running as a service, and the tests are written to require a browser window in the foreground. Altering the tests to use a headless driver isn't an option for us, as that will result in inaccurate test results. Is there a way to get these tests working with Jenkins?


我建议使用Selenium Grid.它的显式功能是同时服务几个不同的测试.

I'd recommend using the Selenium Grid. Its explicit function is to serve several different tests at the same time.


Your jenkins would fire off tests against the grid which would point all the tests towards your nodes.


08-03 19:18