


I'm looking into chaining promises to populate my scope, and then having the scope automatically update the dom.


I'm running into problems with this though.. If I call "then" on an already resolved promise, it creates a new promise (that will call the success function asynchronously but almost immediately). I think the problem is that we've already left the digest cycle by the time the success function is called, so the dom never updates.


<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    Hello, {{name}}! <br/>
    <button ng-click="go()">Clickme</button><br/>

var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

function MyCtrl($scope, $q) {
    var data = $q.defer();    
    setTimeout(function() {$scope.$apply(data.resolve("Some Data"))}, 2000);
    var p = data.promise;

    $scope.name = p.then(angular.uppercase);
    $scope.name2 = p.then(function(x) { return "Hi "+x;});
    $scope.go = function() {
            $scope.name3 = p.then(function(x) { 
                // uncomment this to make it work:
                return "Finally: "+x;


Is there some way to make this work without calling $apply every time I chain promises?


要 @ pkozlowski.opensource:

To quote @pkozlowski.opensource:


所以,当单击按钮时,我们正处在一个周期的消化。则()创建一个新的承诺,但该则()的结果将不会传播,直到的下次的消化周期,这还没有出现(因为没有$超时或$ HTTP或DOM事件触发一个)。如果添加与不执行任何NG-点击另一个按钮,然后单击,就会造成消化周期,你会看到的结果:

So, when the button is clicked, we are in a digest cycle. then() creates a new promise, but the results of that then() will not be propagated until the next digest cycle, which never comes (because there is no $timeout, or $http, or DOM event to trigger one). If you add another button with ng-click that does nothing, then click that, it will cause a digest cycle and you'll see the results:

<button ng-click="">Force digest by clicking me</button><br/>


Here's a fiddle that does that.

小提琴也使用$来代替超时的setTimeout的 - 那么$适用()不需要

The fiddle also uses $timeout instead of setTimeout -- then $apply() isn't needed.


Hopefully it is clear when you need to use $apply. Sometimes you do need to call it manually.


10-14 03:30