本文介绍了如何从Eclipse中的Dynamic Web Project构建EAR文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm looking at deploying a web service which I've written in Eclipse to an EAR file. I'm able to export it as a WAR and deploy it on Tomcat all fine and dandy, but the final product won't be on Tomcat, and won't be a WAR file. I'll need to use Websphere as a server, which I have access to and can deploy valid EAR files... if I had an EAR file to deploy.

所以简而言之,如何从Eclipse中的Dynamic Web Project导出EAR文件?

So long story short, how do I export an EAR file from a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse?


您需要创建一个企业Eclipse中的Application Project(基本上是一个EAR),将Dynamic Web Project添加到EAR项目中,然后导出整个项目。

You need to create an Enterprise Application Project (basically, an EAR) in Eclipse, add the Dynamic Web Project to the EAR project, and then export the whole thing.

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10-25 00:37