

我无法使Eclipse正确地将覆盖的WAR发布到weblogic服务器。运行maven clean包正确地汇编了EAR,导入了正确的webapp内容。我发现了几个类似的问题,但没有一个似乎是最近的或同样的问题。

I'm having trouble getting Eclipse to properly publish overlayed WARs locally to a weblogic server. Running a maven clean package correctly assembles the EAR with the proper webapp content imported. I've found several similar questions but none appear to be recent or the same issue.


Looking in my org.eclipse.wst.common.component file, the dependent-module for the overlay resource is correctly generated, as well.


I'm using m2e-wtp


Is there additional configuration that I need to do to get the server publishing to read that overlay?

这里是从WARs pom.xml的摘录

Editing with more info:Here is the excerpt from the WARs pom.xml




<dependent-module deploy-path="/" handle="module:/overlay/prj/core-webcontent?includes=**/**&amp;excludes=META-INF/MANIFEST.MF">
<dependent-module deploy-path="/" handle="module:/overlay/slf/?includes=**/**&amp;excludes=META-INF/MANIFEST.MF">


I tried doing an export on the EAR locally so that I could view the EAR and see if the files are being added to a different location, but it seems that does not work at all from this type of setup.


我试过在JBoss AS 7.x / Wildfly 8.w没有任何问题。我下载了Weblogic来尝试(我从来没有使用过),我可以确认你看到的行为。

I tried on JBoss AS 7.x/Wildfly 8.w without any problem. I downloaded Weblogic to try (I never used it) and I can confirm the behavior you see.


The problem is caused by Weblogic serving files directly from the workspace location. This is the same problem that prevents overlay from working for Tomcat's "Serve without publishing" mode. Basically the overlay components provided by m2e-wtp are ignored when serving the webapps directly from source.


JBoss Servers and Tomcat's default mode support overlays because the webapp is published to another location and served from there. That publishing step allows to add, then serve, the overlaid files.


The following changes allow Weblogic to do the same :* in the servers view, remove the EAR from your weblogic server* right-click on the weblogic server and open the Properties dialog* Go to Weblogic > Publishing* Select "Publish as an exploded archive" and press OK* Re-deploy your EAR on the weblogic server

现在应该从[workspace / path] /。metadata / .plugins / org.eclipse提供。 core.resources / .projects / [earproject] / beadep / [domain] / [earproject] /

It should now be served from [workspace/path]/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/[earproject]/beadep/[domain]/[earproject]/


One thing I noted though, is changes from the overlaid project are not published immediately. You need to do some dummy change in the main webapp to see the overlay files be deployed.


at this point, if you want to see better support for overlays in weblogic tooling, you need to reach out to Oracle.


10-15 14:39