

我已经在Web-Logic(10.3.6)上部署了EAR文件(包括一个WAR文件和EJB jar文件)。

I have EAR file (which includes a WAR file and EJB jar file) was deployed on Web-Logic(10.3.6) successful.


Now, I have updated EAR file and I redeploy again follow steps: delete old files on the server and install new EAR file without restart server. Every file have been deployed in Active state. But I got some exception related EJB injection. Then I restart Web-logic, my app is running fine.


What's wrong with the redeploy way?


Thanks in advance for any Help...


Weblogic有关于此主题的大量文档。有时它被称为热部署或就地部署。在weblogic管理控制台中,有一个选项是更新一个ear文件,而不是使用delete-> redeploy方法。

Weblogic has an lots of documentation about this topic. Sometimes it's referred to as a "hot deploy" or an "in-place" deploy. In the weblogic admin console there is an option to update an ear file rather than what you are doing with the delete->redeploy method.

只需确保更新更新中的 Weblogic-Application-Version 属性。 MF ,以便weblogic知道这是一个新版本。以下是一些有用的链接:

Just make sure to update your Weblogic-Application-Version property in the MANIFEST.MF of your ear so that weblogic knows it's a new version. Here are some useful links:

说 - 您所看到的问题可能会有所不同,如果Oracle文档没有帮助,您的问题将需要更新。

That said - the problem you are seeing may be something different and your question will need to be updated with more details if the Oracle docs don't help.


10-15 09:53