


I need to add 2 XML files inside an EAR generated with maven-ear-plugin.

不幸的是,我还没有找到将任意文件添加到EAR的方法.插件的文档,其内容为:"EAR插件支持以下工件: ejb,war,jar,ejb-client,rar,ejb3,par,sar,wsr和har".没有什么可添加常规文件的.

Unfortunately, I haven't seen a way to add an arbitrary file to an EAR; the documentation of the plugin which reads "The EAR plugin supports the following artifacts: ejb, war, jar, ejb-client, rar, ejb3, par, sar, wsr and har". There's nothing for adding a regular file.

org.apache.maven.plugins maven-ear-plugin 2.3.1 富 富 1.4 LIB $ {parent.groupId} 富网 /foo org.richfaces.framework richfaces-api 公地语言 公地语言

org.apache.maven.plugins maven-ear-plugin 2.3.1 foo foo 1.4 lib ${parent.groupId} foo-web /foo org.richfaces.framework richfaces-api commons-lang commons-lang



maven-ear-plugin 2.4.2 ,您可以使用配置元素earSourceDirectory,earSourceExcludes和earSourceIncludes声明要包含在EAR中的额外文件.

In maven-ear-plugin 2.4.2 you can use config elements earSourceDirectory, earSourceExcludes and earSourceIncludes to declare extra files to include in the EAR.

默认情况下,您只需将这些文件放在$ {basedir}/src/main/application文件夹中即可.

By default you simply place those files to ${basedir}/src/main/application folder.


09-23 18:57