我有一个 angular-sails 应用程序,我想从 urls 中删除哈希
I have an angular-sails app where I want to remove the hash from urls
我将此添加到我的客户端 app.config
I added this to my client app.config
and the routing works until I refresh the page.
导航到 http://localhost:1337/about
navigating to http://localhost:1337/about
works. I refresh and get
"status": 404
来自sails服务器.如何配置风帆以使用 angularjs html5Mode?
from sails server. How do I configure sails to work with angularjs html5Mode?
要使用 HTML5Mode,您需要将服务器设置为仅提供根(或index.html")文件.web.com/index.html".在我看来,这最好通过将您的 Sails 应用程序和您的 Angular 前端分开以单独交付来完成.这样您就可以轻松设置为您的 Angular 客户端前端提供服务的 Web 服务器,以便仅在非 AJAX 调用上提供 index.html 服务.
To use HTML5Mode you need your server setup to only provide the your root (or "index.html") file. "web.com/index.html". In my opinion this is best done by separating your Sails App and your Angular front end to be delivered seperatly. That way you can easily setup your web server that is serving your angular client front end, to only serve index.html on non AJAX calls.
要在sails中做到这一点,没有开关",你可以设置一个应用程序范围的策略来检查angular是在打电话还是浏览器在打电话并发送适当的文件,你可以看到下面的代码.您必须确保 angular 正在设置以下标题X-Requested-With = XMLHttpRequest
To do this in sails there is no "switch", you could set a app wide policy that checks if angular is making a call or the browser is making the call and send the appropriate file, you can see the code below. You would have to make sure angular is setting the following headerX-Requested-With = XMLHttpRequest
module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
// Checks if this is an ajax request
// If True then skip this and return requested content
// If False then return the index (or root) page
if (if !req.isAjax) {
return res.view("/index");
return next();
这篇关于配置sails 服务器以使用html5Mode?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!