本文介绍了jQuery Mobile是否已准备好用于生产?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直打算使用jQuery Mobile进行大约2个月(4月底)上线的客户端项目,但是我似乎找不到jQuery Mobile的任何路线图.

I've been meaning to use jQuery Mobile for a client project that is to go live in about 2 months (in the end of April) but I can't seem to find any roadmap for jQuery Mobile.

现在处于 Alpha 3 阶段.从 Alpha 1 Alpha 2 ,但在 Alpha 2 Alpha 3 .

It is now in Alpha 3 stage. There were only one month between Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 but about two and a half months between Alpha 2 and Alpha 3.

根据错误跟踪器,jQuery Mobile包含231个未解决的问题,其中许多问题处于状态阻止程序"状态的严重程度或严重程度甚至为2.

According to the Bug Tracker, jQuery Mobile has 231 open issues where many of them are critical or high or even 2 with status Blocker.


I really wan't to use this framework because of it's ambition to reach so many clients and my feelings for jQuery in general :) But is it wise at this point in time?


根据 http://jquerymobile.com/2011/02 /jquery-mobile-alpha-3-released/:目前,我们计划在进行1.0发行之前的一个月内发布第一个Beta."

According to http://jquerymobile.com/2011/02/jquery-mobile-alpha-3-released/: "Right now we’re planning on releasing the first beta within the month before moving on to our 1.0 release."

根据 sidneyallen :#jquery移动Beta ETA于4月中下旬.区域移动聚会."

According to sidneyallen: "#jquery mobile Beta ETA is mid to late April. Overheard at Bay Area Mobile meetup."


根据jQuery Mobile的官方Twitter帐户,应发布jQuery Mobile Alpha 4一周之内,应通过旧金山jQuery会议退出测试版4月16日至17日.

According to jQuery Mobile's official Twitter account, jQuery Mobile Alpha 4 should be released within a week and beta should be out by San Francisco jQuery conference which is held April 16-17.


是的,jQM Alpha 4确实是发布了我最近一次更新后的一周有很多改进.目前,该Beta版仍计划在jQuery会议的四月中旬发布.

Yes, jQM Alpha 4 was indeed released a week after my last update with lots of improvements. The beta was at this point in time still planned to be released by mid-April in time for the jQuery conference.

4月7日,团队发布 jQM Alpha 4.1 是维护版本.他们现在宣布,他们可能不安排Beta版的发布时间表.

April 7th, the team release jQM Alpha 4.1 which was a maintenance release. They now announced that they might not make the schedule for the beta release.


April 16th, it is now much easier to use the latest version (nightly builds) in your development project.


April 21st, looks like the team is hunting down some bugs.


在其最近的博客文章 jQuery团队宣布Beta版即将发布.新日期是5月底/6月初.他们希望在Beta版发布前准备好导航的主要重构和更好的平台支持.

In their most recent blog post the jQuery team announced that beta is soon to be released. The new date is end of May / early June. Major refactoring of navigation and better platform support are the big things they want to get ready before a beta release.


期待已久的 beta 1版本终于在这里.它于两天前发布,并包括对更多平台的支持,包括Blackberry 5和Opera Mini.由于自4月7日发布Alpha 4.1以来,我们的团队尚未更新jQM,因此进行了许多改进和错误修复.对于浮动标题,页面之间的过渡以及一般的导航,体验肯定更好.我们没有遇到任何影响我们代码的重大更改.嗯,有一些,但它们与将jQuery核心从1.5.1更新到1.6.1有关.

The long awaited beta 1 release is finally here. It was released two days ago and includes support for more platforms including Blackberry 5 and Opera Mini. Since our team hadn't updated jQM since Alpha 4.1 which was released April 7th there were a lot of improvements and bugfixes. The experience was definitely better regarding floating headers, transitions between pages and navigation in general. We did not encounter any breaking changes that affected our code. Well there were some but they had to do with updating jQuery core from 1.5.1 to 1.6.1.


A second beta should be out the door within a month and 1.0 should be released late this summer.

现在,我真的认为jQuery Mobile已经可以投入生产了.我真的看不到具有如此广泛的设备/台式机覆盖范围的任何其他选择.

Now I really think jQuery Mobile is production ready. I really can't see any other alternatives with such a broad device/desktop reach.



jQuery Mobile Framework已经走了很长一段路.显然已经为生产环境做好了准备.最值得注意的是,性能和尺寸问题已得到解决.

jQuery Mobile Framework has gone a long way. It's obviously ready for production environments. Most notably, performance and size issues have been resolved.


Still not a good choice if you only want to get the 'looks' and ignore what framework does. Then it's just a waste of bandwidth, because you can get all the shiny buttons from just CSS, without 100k of JS framework code



JQMbeta2 is great. I suppose you can safely use it and later update to the full 1.0 with minor changes in your code.


以我的拙见,您已经可以尝试使用JQMalpha4.1进行生产(我愿意),但是beta版本肯定会有所不同. (我必须对我的代码进行一些更改)

In my humble opinion you can already try to use JQMalpha4.1 for production (I do) but beta release will differ for sure. (I'll have to make some changes in my code)

测试版一定可以用于生产.毫无疑问. :)

Beta release will surely be ready to use for production. No doubt. :)


You can use it "as is" as long as you can provide devices for testing your app, because there are a lot of issues you might need to work around. But as long as it's tested and working - you have a good app.

生产中的问题是jQuery Mobile可能仍会更改api和名称以及东西的工作方式,因此如果您现在创建一个应用程序,则它可能不适用于将来的版本.

The problem with production is that jQuery Mobile might still change the api and names and how stuff work so if you create an app now, it might not work with future releases.

因此,这在很大程度上取决于您的应用程序.如果您打算使用JQM来增强语义HTML,而不打算编写大量JS和CSS hack,那么您可能会冒用alpha3 IMHO启动该项目的风险.

Therefore this depends on your app a lot. If you are planning on using JQM for enhancing semantic HTML and not write lots of JS and CSS hacks, then you can risk starting the project with alpha3 IMHO.


Remember to get the latest version from repository and test if newer versions still work with your code from time to time. It's the bugfixes that you need the most.

这篇关于jQuery Mobile是否已准备好用于生产?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 06:50