


I am new to multithreading, and any answers will be greatly appreciated. I am running an example from a tutorial which uses 3 threads; two created by the user, and one for main itself. Here's the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


/* global mutex for our program. assignment initializes it */
pthread_mutex_t a_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

struct employee {
    int number;
    int id;
    char first_name[20];
    char last_name[30];
    char department[30];
    int room_number;

/* global variable - our employees array, with 2 employees */
struct employee employees[] = {
        {1, 12345678, "danny", "cohen", "Accounting", 101},
        {2, 87654321, "moshe", "levy", "Programmers", 202}

/* global variable - employee of the day */
struct employee employee_of_the_day;

void copy_employee(struct employee *from, struct employee *to) {
    int rc;     /* contain mutex lock/unlock results */

    /*lock the mutex, to assure exclusive access to 'a' and 'b' */
    rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&a_mutex);

    to->number = from->number;
    to->id = from->id;
    strcpy(to->first_name, from->first_name);
    strcpy(to->last_name, from->last_name);
    strcpy(to->department, from->department);
    to->room_number = from->room_number;

    /* unlock mutex */
    rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&a_mutex);

/* function to be executed by the variable setting threads thread */
void *do_loop(void *data) {
    int my_num = *((int*)data);

    while(1) {
        /* set employee of the day to be the one with number 'my_num' */
        copy_employee(&employees[my_num-1], &employee_of_the_day);

/* program's execution begins in main */

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int i;
    int thr_id1;
    int thr_id2;
    pthread_t p_thread1;
    pthread_t p_thread2;
    int num1 = 1;
    int num2 = 2;
    struct employee eotd;
    struct employee *worker;

    /* initialize employee of the day to first 1 */
    copy_employee(&employees[0], &employee_of_the_day);

    /* create a new thread that will execute 'do_loop()' with '1' */
    thr_id1 = pthread_create(&p_thread1, NULL, do_loop, (void*)&num1);

    /* create a new thread that will execute 'do_loop()' with '2' */
    thr_id2 = pthread_create(&p_thread2, NULL, do_loop, (void*)&num2);

    /* run a loop that verifies integrity of 'employee of the day' many */
    /* many times.... */
    for (i = 0; i < 600000; i++) {
        /* save contents of 'employee of the day' to local 'worker' */
        copy_employee(&employee_of_the_day, &eotd);
        worker = &employees[eotd.number-1];

        /* compare employees */
        if (eotd.id != worker->id) {
            printf("mismatching 'id', %d != %d (loop '%d')\n",
                    eotd.id, worker->id, i);
        if (strcmp(eotd.first_name, worker->first_name) != 0) {
            printf("mismatching 'first_name' , %s != %s (loop '%d')\n",
                    eotd.first_name, worker->first_name, i);
        if (strcmp(eotd.last_name, worker->last_name) != 0) {
            printf("mismatching 'last_name' , %s != %s (loop '%d')\n",
                    eotd.last_name, worker->last_name, i);
        if (strcmp(eotd.department, worker->department) != 0) {
            printf("mismatching 'department' , %s != %s (loop '%d')\n",
                    eotd.department, worker->department, i);
        if (eotd.room_number != worker->room_number) {
            printf("mismatching 'room_number' , %d != %d (loop '%d')\n",
                    eotd.room_number, worker->room_number, i);

    printf("Glory, employees contents was always consistent\n");
    return 0;


I basically want to confirm that in the for loop in main, the following statement

copy_employee(&employee_of_the_day, &eotd);


could be executed by ANY of the 3 threads; am I right?The fact that the subsequent comparisons are obviously not atomic raises some confusions. Any clarifications/corrections to this will be greatly helpful.


Incidentally, any good recommendations for tutorials on multithreading in C?




Your main thread (and none of the worker threads) will execute everything within main() and then end. Both of your worker threads will execute everything within do_loop() and end once they leave the function.

这听起来有点像您将phtread_create()fork()混淆了. pthread_create()将使用提供的功能作为入口点,而fork()将从被调用的位置开始.

This sounds a bit like you're confusing phtread_create() with fork(). pthread_create() will use the function provided as the entry point while fork() will start from the position it's been called.


08-19 14:53